
Why Blame Society? We Are The Society

Why Blame Society? We Are The Society
Published On: 12-Nov-2024

Article by

Arooj Tariq

Blaming society for everything? Is it fair to blame society for everything while simultaneously being a part of it? Society has always been a concept of collective experiences of living in a group and indeed, it is the most desirable way to live. It provides structure, sense of security and the opportunity to share experiences with each other. Envision a life without any companionship, without anyone to share your stories with. (so hard and boring) In recent times society has been seen as a source of blame, for the people it has become very convenient to play the blame game without taking any responsibility for their own actions and beliefs. However, if we deeply look into this matter, we too are a society and we can’t simply point the finger at it without first examining our role in it. There are certain norms, values and beliefs that are shared by a group of people, binding them together as a society. Society is both a reflection of who we are and a product of our collective actions. Therefore, we cannot simply blame society for every minor inconvenience we face without acknowledging our own role in creating it. We are not just passive recipients of societal influences, but active contributors in its creation. Engaging in activities that compromise ethical boundaries often carries a transient allure, people easily get seduced by the thrill of the forbidden or the allure of shortcuts but what they don’t realize is that this kind of satisfaction is just temporary and may mask the impending repercussions that gradually unfold over time. Therefore, these actions can erode one’s self esteem and at this point people often find it super convenient to blame society for personal failures, as it shifts responsibility away from oneself, reducing feelings of guilt and shame. The question that arises here is: are we simply just looking for a scapegoat? It’s easier to blame society for everything than to face reality, our own flaws and shortcomings. Therefore, when we blame society, we are basically blaming ourselves. Our generation needs to realize that we are the ones who make the society and we have the power to change it.

Maclom X states: “If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.”

A renowned Turkish-British author/activist Elif Shafak writes about the importance of the interconnectivity of humans and how we all are a part of the same common story.  In one of her most popular novels, “Forty Rules of Love,” she writes, "To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.” This well written quote highlights the importance of individual responsibility in shaping a society. If we wish to bring desirable changes in a society we must first focus on our flaws, it is so important to change yourself first because change starts with us, and only then can we inspire positive changes in others.

Paolo Coelho states, “The world is changed by your example not by your opinion.”

Furthermore, Elif Shafak speaks about the importance of storytelling and how it can connect people with different backgrounds and cultures. She believes that sharing different life experiences with each other can bring people together, as individuals can foster a sense of unity and facilitate a deeper understanding of one another. In her ted talk, “The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought,” she states, “We need to speak up and we need to speak out but we also need to listen and we need to listen with compassion.” The quote attempts to highlight the importance of reciprocity and emphasizes the concept that the actions we extend towards others tend to be mirrored back onto us. If we expect our stories to be heard with consideration, then we also need to respect the perspectives of other people. Considerate listening and mutual understanding can help pave the way for a more compassionate world. If we start treating others with respect and consideration we can create an environment where such behavior becomes the norm rather than the exception. By  treating everyone with the same respect and honor we expect for ourselves, we can build a more inclusive society. This domino effect contributes to better communication, fewer conflicts, and enhanced cooperation with various spheres of life and everyone values the richness of human experiences.

At points societal issues can be complex and individual actions alone may not be enough to solve them, however, by working together with consistency because change doesn’t happen overnight, it’s very important to be consistent and patient when solving problems. This way we can create a ripple effect that contributes to a positive change. A renowned psychologist/ author Jordan Peterson sheds light on the danger of collective blame, as the act of collective blame diminishes personal agency and hinders progress. He further emphasizes that blame games absolves individuals of their responsibility and eventually perpetuate a cycle of victimhood.

Furthermore, our consumption habits also leave a huge impact on our society, therefore, by making conscious choices about what we buy and consume we can make a positive difference. Every time we purchase something we are supporting the companies that produce it and contributing to the economy. Hence, we should only support the companies that align with our values so we can have a sustainable future, these small steps/actions can make a huge impact. Similarly, our greeting manners on different occasions, the way we behave towards others also impacts society. Our interactions with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers can spread positivity or negativity throughout our communities. Therefore, by being empathetic, kind and compassionate to those around us, we can create a more supportive and  interconnected society. In corporate sectors, when people habitually point fingers at each other, the cohesion and trust within the groups erode over time. Therefore, eventually, people hesitate to share ideas or admit mistakes, fearing repercussions. Hence the productivity and overall performance of the team suffer, hindering the company’s progress. Furthermore, the acts of finger pointing often creates an atmosphere of defensiveness and hostility. When individuals feel attacked they are less likely to cooperate. Therefore, it becomes challenging to find common ground when no one is willing to step back. Such attitudes not only hamper collaboration but also lead to a perpetual cycle of blame.

In conclusion, we need to realize that change starts within us. We cannot expect change to happen if we do not take responsibility for our own actions and beliefs.

Robert Ingersoll states, “We rise by lifting others.”

The powerful quote emphasizes the value of collective progress. Moreover, we all need to realize that pointing fingers and laying blame rarely leads to positive change. No one has ever benefited by pointing fingers at others. Both personal and professional spheres can evolve positively by breaking the cycle of blame, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and productive lives. Let’s strive for a better future and build a harmonious society where each individual learns to accept their mistakes and takes pride in learning lessons from them. A society grounded in responsibility and respect would promote development and personal growth. Let’s focus on what unites us rather than divides us and create a society that thrives in collaboration, empathy and growth. Embracing personal responsibilities and mutual understanding can facilitate the establishment of a more cohesive community. Such foundations act as guiding lights that lead us forward.

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