
Aurat March 2022

Aurat March 2022
Published On: 29-Mar-2022

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This year Aurat Azadi Jalsa was held at F-9 Park at the F-9 Amphitheater. The topic for this year’s Aurat Azadi Jalsa was, “A City for all” promoting equal rights for men & women. The first Aurat March was held in the year 2018. Since then, The event got bigger in subsequent years. Women emerged in throngs to march in multiple cities. Men also began to join this march with their families.
For this year, the Aurat Azadi March is commemorating the struggles of the feminist movement and the 112th International Working Women’s Day by organizing an Aurat Azadi Jalsa.

They are firmly committed to continuing this struggle until our emancipation from all forms of patriarchal oppression. Women are dedicated to this movement to protect their right to life, to achieve peace and progress, to ensure dignity and equality for all, and to establish a people’s democracy and egalitarian society in Pakistan.
The issues raised include tough ones like child rape, sexual abuse, honour killings, transgener rights and more. The manifestos and charters of demands released by organizers of Aurat March - slightly different in each city — reflect these slogans.

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