
Things to Keep in Mind While Traveling

Things to Keep in Mind While Traveling
Published On: 02-Jul-2021

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Tourism can be an efficient source of income for any nation. Having tourist spots is always a plus point for any country. It not only adds to the natural beauty of the country but also attracts tourists, both domestic and from abroad. Helps in shaping up the cultural identity and preserves a nation’s prestige. 

Pakistan has many landmarks and places that can serve as attraction points for tourists. From historical places like Mohenjo Daro - to culturally rich cities like Lahore - to aesthetically pleasing Northern Areas of Pakistan. 

Here are some suggestions and recommendations for the tourists, especially the local visitors. As domestic tourists are more likely to harm or cause damage. This damage comes in different forms. For instance, recently a video surfaced on social media where some tourists were trying to extract some apples from an apple tree. There’s no harm in it unless it was done with the prior consent of the owners.

What appears more harmful was the way the whole act was conceived. It must have caused some harm to the tree because the people seemed violent in their behavior. Also, the exploiters enjoyed and seemed okay with their behavior. Trees are a natural resource, they not only provide us with shelter and food but also are a source of income for some.

Many cases of sexual harassment have also been reported. Most of the cases were reported by locals against domestic tourists. It is sad how people mistreat and unfortunately objectify women in our society. They harass women not only with their actions but with their words too. The harassers not only harass the local women but also harass women who are visiting any particular area.

Tourists play music in their cars at a very loud volume. Although music is considered food for the soul, this reason cannot justify the case when music becomes noisy and causes distress in society. For instance, once, during the processions of a local festival, some tourists played music in their cars at a very high volume. Their act caused distraction among the audience and disturbed the whole carnival. To the tourists, please get aligned with the setting, try to enjoy the serene air and the refreshing view. There’s no harm if you want to listen to music, but please keep that to your own self and for your own amusement only.

Vandalism is another common trait associated with tourists. Wall chalking, using spray paints on rocks, stones, plains, and mountains. As a result, natural beauty suffers at the hands of people who are careless and ignorant.

Littering is perhaps the most serious issue faced by Pakistan. A good majority of domestic tourists throw their garbage on the plains and mountains and near lakes or even in the lakes. The locals can take care of your garbage since they host you, but visitors should be mindful of their responsibilities too. Use dustbins, and in case, if dustbins are not available, just carry a plastic bag with you and later on get rid of it whenever you are able to find some. But, please avoid littering at any cost.

Every culture is diverse in its own regard. And every culture has its own values and norms, customs and traditions. Tourists should at least research the area before visiting a new place, especially if they are unaware of the place being visited. People of Kalash are disregarded by a significant number of domestic tourists.

Be nice to the locals. If not for anything else, for the fact that they welcome you and let you in their home. Respect them as you were to respect your own. After all, we are all a big family. To sum it up, treat someone else’s home as your own. Develop some empathy and be the change you wish to see in the world!

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