
Skin Care

Skin Care
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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What is the relationship between our skin and weather?

Most of the people don’t know but our skin should be treated according to the weather. The way we change our clothes with changing weather, we also need to change our products with the change of seasons. We should be very mindful of the fact that cosmetic products for different seasons are different. All products including skin cleansing, skin protection or makeup related should be utilized accordingly.

What factors are important in keeping our skin healthy?

Three things we need to give attention to; first is water intake, we have to regulate it, especially in winters. Furthermore, our diet and sleep have a pivotal role in keeping our skin healthy.  We should work on our diet first; we should maintain a balanced quantity of vegetables, meat, pulses, milk and eggs. After all this, we should go for the topical products.

You have been running your own salon for 23 years, please enlighten us with some of home-made procedures for healthy skin.

Homemade skin products are much more convenient as they are organic and have lasting impacts on our skin. If you take glycerin, mix it with olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice, and apply it on your skin; it will give your skin a rejuvenated look. Besides, rice flour is extremely healthy for our skin. Make a paste of rice flour by adding Aloe Vera gel and olive oil in it, apply it on your face by gently massaging the skin in a circular motion. After 2 to 3 minutes, rinse your face with tap water. This will remove all the dead cells from your skin, and will give your face a refreshing look.

People with dry skin need to do extra efforts to keep their skin moisturized. Can you suggest any easy procedure that would be beneficial for dry skin?

Dry skin surely needs more attention than oily skin. First of all, it is important to moisturize your skin regularly. Good news is that you don’t have to purchase over-priced cosmetic products, rather you can make your own moisturizer in your kitchen. All you need to do is to take 1 tbsp. coconut oil, add 1-2 drops of olive oil in it. Mix it up and apply on your face whenever needed. Apart from that, Vitamin E ointments are available in the market, which can be helpful in keeping skin healthy.

Having an oily skin is also no less than a challenge. How to keep it protected from the extra grease formed on the face?

People with oily skin don’t have to do much effort especially in fall, they just need to have a good intake of fruits. However, oily skin can cause a thick layer of oily grease to form on face and nose; the solution to it is quite simple. Take a banana, mash it up with a small amount of honey, and gently apply it on your skin for 1-2 minutes. Rinse your face after a couple of minutes, the unnecessary oil will vanish. Don’t forget to apply rose water on your face after this procedure. Here, I would like to say that oily and dry skin have different procedures, therefore it is important to be aware of your skin tone.

What tips would you give for dark spots and fine lines that appear on the face?

If you have dry skin, keep on using rice flour procedure, this is going to eliminate spots slowly. Even for the fine lines and wrinkles, it is very useful. If you are not going to moisturize your dry skin, the aging process of your skin shall speed up.

What message would you like to give to our audience, who are struggling with skin problems?

I would like to say that don’t run after skin products in the first place, work on your sleep patterns and diet. Having a good sleep is the biggest secret behind glowing and healthy skin. Furthermore, exercise daily; with exercise, there will be more sweating, that means more healthier, younger and rejuvenated facial skin

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