
Miracles of Yoga

Miracles of Yoga
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.”

Health is wealth, though it maybe mental, physical or spiritual. To maintain a sound health, one must keep her/his mind and body in synchronization and peace by practicing Yoga. Yes, Yoga!

A 5,000 years ancient practice in the history of Indian Philosophy, Yoga is the name of keeping mind and body in harmony while controlling our emotions. It is a fantastic exercise for both mental and physical health for people dealing with anxiety and depression problems. Studies show that it decreases the secretion of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. Furthermore, it can increase your lifespan and also can help change your thoughts, perceptions eventually leading you to a point where you change how you see the world. Following are some miracles that can happen through Yoga;

1.   Makes You More Productive: Research shows that yoga is an effective cure for fighting off your afternoon fatigue (or laziness) and boosts your energy levels; refreshing your mind at the worksite results in productive outcomes.

2.   Increases Focus: Breath, focus, attention on the present moment are the key pillars of yoga and meditation. You'll be able to do more in less time, make better decisions, solve problems more efficiently.

3.   Reduces Your Emotional Reactivity: It’s our natural response to a negative stimulus. Yoga is the right point to tap your hammer.

4.   Boosts Your Mood: Everyone likes a jolly good fellow! Yoga is the best practice to stay cheerful. Yoga also seems to produce a positive and immediate effect on mood and psychosocial well-being, gifting attractive looks as a bonus!

5.   Wards Off Blues: Yoga increases self-esteem, a sense of empowerment, and energy levels much greater compared to power poses reducing stress level and anxiety issues.

Yoga is not only a practice; it’s a way of life. Adopting yoga as a lifestyle is a commitment to ourselves, understanding where humans stand in the ethos of the world and our relationships, interaction with others. It also moulds our daily lives into a calmer mind and melodious body resonating with our vibes.

Woman, a delicate graceful creature of nature, needs to keep many balls in the air ensuring that not a single one of them falls at any time. Yoga seems as a blessing for women. Yoga is the name of achieving sanity and serenity. Breathing practices help women calm down and handle their multiple responsibilities with proficiency and poise. To deal with diverse challenges of life, the secret for women is to make yoga a part of their life – as much as breathing.

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