
Self Confidence: Being Your True Self

Self Confidence: Being Your True Self
Published On: 26-Feb-2024

Article by

Shehram Javed


“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”

Self-confidence is an attitude about your abilities and skills. It means accepting and trusting yourself, your abilities, your strengths, your skills, etc. You know your strengths and positive image of yourself. You set small, realistic, and achievable goals. You know your weaknesses well and can handle criticism without getting offended.

If you have low self-confidence, it might make you more passive, submissive, self-doubt, and not trusting others. On the other hand, if you have confidence in yourself, and in your strengths you are more optimistic, more confident and trust others. Self-confidence affects every smaller aspect of our daily lives as well as having a significant influence on many various aspects of a person's existence. 

Confidence Can: 

  • Decrease Anxiety 

  • Increase self-esteem 

  • Improved relationships 

  • Bring peace and happiness 

  • Increase motivation 

  • Raise positive self-worth 

As long as we believe these positive things ourselves, when people compliment us or acknowledge our qualities and skills, it can increase our confidence. The inverse of confidence is when you've ever questioned the positive things people say about you. You must genuinely believe you are capable in order to feel completely confident. Utilizing your abilities via learning and practicing is the best method to develop that belief. 

Our ability to uncover and develop our potential is aided by our confidence. Our confidence grows even more when we realize our potential and are proud of our accomplishments. 

Ten Tips for Building Self-Confidence 

1. Accept yourself 

2. Avoid Comparing yourself 

3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet 

4. Take risks and get out of your comfort zone 

5. Help others 

6. Be positive and practice positive affirmations 

7. Be kind to you 

8. Set small goals 

9. Engage in positive self-talk 

10. Admit that you need help and learn something new 

How to Increase Self-Confidence? 

  • Recognize your strengths and play to them. Praise and reward yourself for your efforts and advancement. 

  • Be gentle and compassionate to yourself when you encounter a challenge.  

  • Avoid wallowing in failure. 

  • Set attainable and realistic objectives.  

  • Expecting perfection is unrealistic since no one can ever achieve perfection in all facets of life.  When experiencing strong emotions, take a moment to calm down and consider the matter logically.  

  • Avoid forming assumptions about yourself, other people, or circumstances.  

  • Recognize that your future is not determined by your past, unfavorable events.  

  • Directly and politely state your demands, opinions, and feelings. 

  • Saying no irrational requests. 


Difference between self-confidence and over-confidence 

Overconfidence and self-confidence are frequently misunderstood. As was already mentioned, having confidence in one's talents is different from having overconfidence, which is overestimating one's actual capabilities. One fundamental distinction between the two is that someone who is overconfident completely believes in himself without even considering the possibility of anything going wrong. 

Contrarily, having confidence involves having faith in one's talents while still allowing room for error. In conclusion, it is acceptable to believe that successful people have understood the importance of self confidence and have made use of it. It doesn't matter how big or small the task is; to perform it successfully and beautifully, you must have faith in the individual. 

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