
How Does Dressing Well Impact Your Personality?

How Does Dressing Well Impact Your Personality?
Published On: 30-Jan-2023

Article by

Ainny Aftab

Is Your Personality Affected by Your Dressing?

“Yes Of course!” An individual’s style of dressing plays an important role in enhancing his or her personality. As it is said “A man is known by his dress and address”. Your dressing style speaks about your character and your personality. People always observe your appearance first. So by projecting a positive image and a unique style of yourself through your dressing you can be mentally healthy because of the attention and appraisal that you get.

The Psychology Behind Dressing Well

Being well dressed reflects our personality to who we are, and we develop good bonding with likeminded people. Dressing well helps you to build self-confidence and it shows others how confident you are about yourself. People will not be attracted to you if you are not neatly dressed or are unhygienic. A well-dressed person is the center of attention and attraction everywhere, may it be workplace or social gatherings. At work your performance will be much better when you are well dressed, reason being the confidence that your dressing gives you. Dressing sensibly helps you buildup confidence, professionalism at the workplace and personality development. Over here you must be wondering what does it mean by “dressing sensibly” or what is dressing sense? When we talk about having a good sense of dressing, it doesn’t mean you have to be very fashionable or up to date. To be well dressed your dress does not have to be very expensive, chic or of the latest trend. It means to “dress appropriately to wear something suitable or compatible. Even if you’re in casual clothes or you are wearing a uniform, making sure that you look neat can improve the reception that you receive. Your dressing is usually the first thing to be noticed about you, even your body language, your communication skills and your knowledge is observed later. As you know, “first impression is the last impression”. Your beauty is not only your skin, your height, weight or way of speaking but it is the way you present yourself in front of others. The confidence that your good dressing gives you will make you more influential. You are going for an interview or you are at your workplace, your dressing will have an important role to play in your success. If you are an educationist, your attire or your sense of dressing will definitely have its effect on your students. According to the human behaviourist, Desmond Morris; 

“It is impossible to wear clothes without transmitting social signals. Every costume tells a story, a subtle one, about its wearer.”

A well-dressed teacher is a source of inspiration for the students. What needs to be considered important here is to know what well-dressed really means. It isn’t only to look tidy and fashionable but to dress up sensibly i.e according to the environment, culture, weather and age. Your choice of clothing should be according to your profession. What instructors wear in the classroom does influence the perception of their students. So, your words will be more effective if you are successful in building a positive image of yourself in the classroom with the help of your dressing sense. Instructors need to be dressed in such a way as to be an inspiration for the students, not in a way as to divert their attention.

Another influential role of dressing sense is during a job interview.  When you are going for an interview, the way you dress up perceives a lot about your status, character and personality. Dress-up like the job and position that you want; so that you look most suitable for it. Remember the way you represent yourself is how people will look at you. Decent dressing during an interview gives the interviewee a positive approach towards you.

Tips on Dressing

Here are a few tips on how to dress well so that you are successful in creating a positive influential impression;

·         Find your own personal unique style and don’t copy someone.
·         Avoid wearing too many colours and try to choose solid colors that aren’t distracting.
·         Pay attention to details, especially your shoes. Shoes are the first thing people notice about you.
·         Select an outfit of perfect size, do not wear clothes that are too fit or too loose.
·         Wear clothes appropriate to your surroundings, venue, weather, occasion, age and culture.
·         Always wear ironed clothes.

Being well dressed is good for you not only at the workplace or when meeting someone, but staying well dressed in your routine will be beneficial for you. Staying well-dressed keeps productivity flowing. For example, if you aren’t dressed up properly at home, it will make you lazy, as it won’t let you go out or even go to see who’s at the door. When you will be dressed in clothes that are not only comfortable but also stylish. It will motivate you to do your best.

Parents Should Encourage Kids to Stay Well Dressed

Encourage your kids to experiment with different styles, fabrics, colour combinations and accessories keeping in mind their age-appropriate stuff. Remember that parents are the footprints of their kids when it comes to clothing. If your clothing choices enable you to present yourself well before others, your kids will follow it. The art of dressing is a life skill that needs slow learning. Therefore, teach this art to your loved ones right from an early age. Give yourself time to dress up neatly and decently, paying attention to the details. It will help you in passing on this skill to your kids.

Adapting the habit of staying well-dressed is good at any age. You can choose a style for yourself from now on.

Your well dressing will give you an attractive, influential and confident personality. As we know confidence always boosts up self esteem and a high self esteem is satisfying and good for your mental health. 

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