
Dear Younger Self

Dear Younger Self
Published On: 31-Jul-2023

Article by

Maham Mansha


 Dear Younger Self !

I hope this letter finds you well, and that you are enjoying your youth and all the promise that lies ahead of you. I am writing to you now, many years in the future, with some words of advice and guidance that I hope will help you along your journey.

First and foremost, I want you to know that you are enough. You are worthy of love and respect, just as you are. Don't ever let anyone make you feel otherwise. You may encounter people who try to tear you down, but always remember that their words and actions say more about them than they do about you. Don't get down on yourself. Losing a loved one is inevitable; you shouldn't be angry with yourself for feeling this way. Everything is going exactly as expected.  

Secondly, don't be afraid to take risks. Life is full of opportunities, but they often come disguised as challenges. Don't shy away from the unknown - embrace it. Take that job offer, go on that adventure, ask that person out. The worst that can happen is that you'll fail, but even failure is a learning experience. Do not be alarmed if a stranger makes a remark, and do not be disheartened if people laugh at you for saying that touring the world is your ultimate goal.

Thirdly, cultivate your relationships. The people in your life are your greatest source of joy and support, so don't take them for granted. Tell your family and friends how much you love them, and make time for them whenever you can. You never know when someone might need your help or support, so be there for them as much as you can. Do not let a setback in your relationship prevent you from spending more time with your grandparents. They presently exist, but their stay is temporary. Don't believe the hype that graveyards are terrifying just because someone says so. Go pay a visit to your loved ones who now call that place home. It will help you maintain perspective and appreciate your connections with others more.

Fourthly, take care of yourself. You only get one body and one mind, so make sure you treat them well. Exercise regularly, eat healthy foods, and get plenty of sleep. And don't forget to take care of your mental health, too. If you're feeling down or anxious, don't be afraid to reach out for help. There is no shame in asking for support when you need it. If you don't love yourself, no one else will. It's healthy to be honest about how you feel with your sibling. Instead of running away, try solving the problem. Do not cower behind a blanket the next time a storm rolls in; instead, seek shelter in your mother's arms.

Finally, remember that life is a journey, not a destination. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that you need to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, but that's not what life is about. Enjoy the little moments, the everyday experiences that make up the fabric of your life. Don't put off your happiness until some future date - embrace it now. I know that life can be tough, and that you will encounter your fair share of setbacks and challenges. But always remember that you are strong and resilient. You have the power to overcome anything that comes your way, and I believe in you. Watch some cartoons, have some ice cream, run about in the rain, and play some games with your classmates; college will come soon enough. Make new friends, and don't be afraid to approach strangers. The world and you, both, are stunning.

Looking back on my own life, there are a few things that I wish I had done differently. I wish I could share my pain with my sister and inform my mother about the things I've kept hidden from her. I wish I hadn't abandoned my mother when she really needed me; I wish my tiny hands could have dried her tears. I wish I had taken more risks, embraced my quirks and flaws, and spent more time with the people I love. But I also know that each mistake and misstep has led me to where I am today, and for that, I am grateful.

So, younger self, go forth with confidence and curiosity. Take risks, make mistakes, and enjoy the journey. And above all, always remember that you are loved.

 With love,

 Your Older Self

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