
AGE 60 is Just a Number

AGE 60 is Just a Number
Published On: 29-Apr-2023

Article by

Aqsa Mehmood

Most of our ageing society starts to feel as they are retired, they can't perform well and can have no more plans. Illness and aging lead to pessimistic sentiments and aimlessness in people.

Yet, even some illness like the flu or a cold can worsen in the geriatric population leading to various consequences which includes concomitant diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Thoughts of having health issues, boring daily routine, having no work, and feeling neglected, all of these negative thoughts make our quality of life worse. As a result, it's critical to make healthy decisions to boost your immune system and lower your risk of being sick.

How can we still be active and happy in this phase of life? How can an individual have a good quality of life with diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, depression, and anxiety?

The key to happiness is to improve their quality of life.

Check out your daily schedule first. Are you genuinely content with your slack routine? There is always time. Keep in mind a few helpful suggestions to enhance your quality of life. For instance: exercise, drinking water, dressing appropriately, and being organized.

·         MORNING WALK

Start your day with a morning walk. How taking a morning stroll can improve quality of life. Walking improves circulation because it involves all of the body's major organs and systems. Our brain takes in oxygen when we breathe clean air, which allows us to think positively and approach life. According to studies, being in a greener environment fosters creativity and instills more inspiration. Your brain can produce fresh thoughts with the help of greenery. Green is the color of choice for reviving the intellect. Better ideas and a positive outlook on life are both products of positive thinking.

Your body cannot absorb calcium, which is necessary for optimal health if the body has vitamin D deficiency. Hence, vitamin D is a crucial component of your bones. Your bones will become stronger, healthier, and infection-free with 30 minutes of sunlight regularly.


Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats improves your body's defenses and shields you from contagious viruses and bacteria. Antioxidants are abundantly present in fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants keep your body healthy and guard your cells against harm.

Also, you should limit your intake of fatty and sugary meals because they can weaken your immune system and cause internal inflammation.


For people taking a lot of medication and suffering from several diseases, drinking water is essential, as water flushes the toxins from the body.


Your body produces more cortisol when you are under constant stress. Your immune system might be compromised when there cortisol exceeds in your body.

To reduce stress, one should explore stress-relieving, fun activities, improve your physical activity, get plenty of rest, and set realistic expectations for yourself.

The researchers determined that older adults may be more sedentary while they're with their closest friends and family, such as when they're watching TV together or reclining at home, but they need to leave the house to interact with other people, which requires them to be more active.

The thought of enrolling in activities, such as exercise, yoga, or learning the Qur'an, to find time for themselves and meet new people.

Patients with arthritis should routinely participate in an exercise regimen to keep their muscles strong and their joints mobile. A joint is supported and under less stress when muscles are strong. Joint contracture brought on by immobility might complicate normal function.


Make strategies for organizing and carrying out tasks that balance rest and activity so that less effort is required and fatigue can be reduced. Always be sure to get enough sleep and manage your energy. Plan additional relaxation periods during the day while your condition is active.


According to studies, getting insufficient sleep adds to the body's stress, which causes inflammation and a weakened immune system. Adequate sleep has beneficial effects on older adults such as: improves the immune system, helps to fight against illness and infection and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, depression, dementia, and stroke.

So, schedule your daily routine, a person with a better routine can have a better quality of life.

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