Kids Section

The Magic Tree

The Magic Tree
Published On: 31-Jul-2021

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There were two brothers Gilli and Billy, who lived at a forest’s edge. The elder brother, Gilli was rude and stubborn and was always unkind to his younger brother. He ate all the food and wore all the good clothes from their shared wardrobe. The younger brother, Billy, however, was nice, humble, and kind. Despite all the harsh behavior he still treated his elder brother nicely.

The Gilli used to go to the forest in search of firewood to sell in the market. While Billy used to stay at home and took care of home and their cattle. One fine day when Billy was preparing the breakfast, Gilli with axe in hand, hurriedly went outside, and told Billy “there’s a magical tree in the jungle, and I will get it today, you take care of the house when I return.” And slammed the main gate.

Gilli had a big smile on his face as he walked through the forest, he chopped off the branches of every tree, harmed the animals, and destroyed the nests, and then finally he came upon the magical tree. The magical tree seemed special as it was covered with golden leaves, and its branches were red in color.

Gilli took out his axe and was about to cut the branches, then he heard a voice, ‘Oh, kind sir, please spare my branches. Gilli was shocked to see this view and dropped his axe, the tree replied, ‘If you spare me, I will provide you with golden apples.’

Gilli agreed, and suddenly a cold wind started blowing and then a few golden apples were lying on the ground. For a moment Gilli got shocked but within a moment felt disappointed with the number of apples the tree gave him. This made Gilli angry as he wanted more apples.

Overcome by greed, the brother threatened to cut the entire tree if it didn’t provide him with more apples. But, instead of giving more apples, the tree showered him with hundreds of tiny needles. The brother fell to the ground, crying in pain as the sun began to set.

It was night now, and now Billy got worried and went to search for his older brother. He searched until he found him at the trunk of the tree, lying in pain with hundreds of needles on his body.

He rushed to him and started to painstakingly remove each needle with love. Once the needles were out, the elder brother apologized for treating his younger brother so badly. The magical tree saw the change in Gilli’s heart and gifted them with all the golden apples they could need.

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