Kids Section

10 Lessons to Learn from TOM & JERRY

10 Lessons to Learn from TOM & JERRY
Published On: 04-Jun-2021

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Go back to the memory lane of childhood days. 78 + years of Tom and Jerry: How this cat and mouse game played out over the years. Our love for Tom and Jerry is alive as we watch the cartoon show with our grandchildren. Tom and Jerry Show is more of a routine to watch the comic cartoon series. They ran after each other for their lives, but at the same time, they were best of friends too. Always thrilling and on a joy ride with so much fun to watch the hide n seek game of Tom and Jerry. Sometimes, Parenting is Panic, sometimes Fun. Sometimes struggle n strife. And sometimes, rosy n sweet. Or maybe scary when they have a cranky child. The trick of staying Happy, staying wise is to brush off the blues and Laugh. Together with watching the fun Cartoons lightens the heart and brings relationships closer. Think deeper and the message with Tom and Jerry cartoons is visible which teach important lessons as :

1. We fight more with people we love

Tom and Jerry continuously keep fighting. Be it small fights where Tom will chase Jerry for disturbing his sleep to big fights where Tom landed in trouble because of the mouse – Ultimately, at the end of the day, they are good FRIENDS. So, forgive and forget – just know the worth of friendship.

2. Trust

Tom and Jerry’s bond of friendship has been built on love and trust. They are mischievous and performed nasty but did trust each other and hence the hide-n-seek game. Best pranks are played on the person you trust the most. The lesson we learn is to Trust your loved ones and if your friend is a true one, you are blessed with a valued friend or even learn some great things.

3. Confidence is the key to friendship

Jerry in all the episodes is full of confidence. Tip toed he plays the mischievous and turns to a big cat but when chased, runs like a deer – timidly hides to a safe place. Hence, confidence helps one win in such difficult circumstances.

4. Size matters? Not at all !

Don’t underestimate the Power of Tiny. Jerry was tiny but fearless and ready to fight out the powerful Tom. Jerry outwitted Tom and there’s a lesson to understand – Be cool, calm, composed, and use your wits. Even the powerful can fall apart.

5. Team spirit

Tom and Jerry always had fights but as we see, in many cases, they unite when they face a common enemy and together form a strong team. As the saying goes, ‘United we Stand, divided we fall’, Tom and Jerry teach us lessons of teamwork and compassion too.

6. Learn from mistakes

Tom never used the same techniques to trap Jerry. If he failed, he will change his tricks next time to trap Jerry. As Thomas Edison said, “I came to know about 999 ways that won’t work.” Hence, making mistakes is a part of life but repeating them is foolishness. Therefore, learn from your mistakes.

7. Sharing and caring

Tom and Jerry were the worst of enemies but at the same time, they shared their emotions. None of them could see the other one sad and hence always tried to keep the other one happy. It teaches a lesson – care for each other! It will make the other person happy and thus, will make you happy.

8. Lifelong friendship

The gift of friendship is a valuable and most treasured gift. Tom and Jerry stayed together – in good times, in bad times, forever. If you recall the song, “In good times, in bad times, I’ll be there for you forever” value the importance of relations in your life. They mean a lot.

9. What goes around comes around

As the saying, ‘What goes around, comes around’ Tom makes devious plans for Jerry, only to fall prey to his own schemes. Hence, trust in karma and do good. Expectations might hurt.

10. Life throws challenges

Tom and Jerry are full of action. Both face challenges in their own way and find a way to overcome the challenge. A lesson we learn is that what may come, face the challenges in life as you continuously juggle with problems that you least expect. Everyone goes up and down. No worries as there is a way if you try it, sometimes it works, sometimes it won’t.

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