
SEASON OF ATROCITY  (A Heart Felt Grievance from the Daughter of Gaza)

SEASON OF ATROCITY  (A Heart Felt Grievance from the Daughter of Gaza)
Published On: 17-May-2024

Article by

Syeda Mahnoor Shah

SEASON OF ATROCITY  (A heart felt grievance from the daughter of Gaza)
I lifted my head to see the eventual change
The gradual motion of dispersed clouds 
Replaced with dark, heavy ones
Depicting as theyve suffered enough tyranny of this lifetime and another
By the rays of hate and detest
It disturbed their flow and made them rise
Rise into something they were never meant to be
With their hearts filled with envy and revenge
Seems like theyve had enough
At the verge of bursting into heavy pourings
That would remain for hours 
Venting out their feelings extensively
Leaving the sky to remorse for its loss
The catharsis it did thunderously
It left every soul shivering with terror 
Making the vicinity feel the remorse
Each roar snatched the children away from the cradles of blissful dreams
The screams, having to break away the chains it brought along
Clasping with one another to break free
And to live in the spaciousness of sky
And wait for the morning for a new hope
That would sway away their forlorn with the gentle breeze
Hugging them tightest and directing them to a new bright direction
With the hope of a new day eradicating the sufferings from their lives
With the new rays of sunshine that would dry up their tears
Giving them hope for a better future from now
I look at my heart beat escalating up every moment with every tumultuous thunder
I ponder for the rising palpitations with its relation to it
I found the nature speaking in favour of my sufferings..

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