
Culture: An Endorsement

Culture: An Endorsement
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

Socially agreed, constructs take years to get culturally sanctioned and are eventually made a norm. Each thought that exists, can be classified into: 'how it is' or ‘how it ought to be’. 

People make things look like a 'thing'. Narratives, perceptions and doubts make it worth-something. The 'how it is' aspect to it, determines how things are, for instance: how marriages happen in South Asian or Pakistani context. Social constructs, like a marriage should last a lifetime, or the bride should lower her gaze, smile less, and clench her toes whenever the groom arrives, an ideal 'bride' candidate, should be home-bound and have no friends at all, or some. Well, that's only because someone a hundred or a thousand years ago defined an ideal bride by a mere thought. And a mere thought was sanctioned and imposed and eventually made a culture. Or for the case of an ideal groom, he should earn for his wife, and provide her with shelter. It won't matter if he is, or isn't, interested in household and domestic issues and affairs. 


This also defines the 'how it ought to be' aspect to it. Culture is ever growing, as well as never growing. Culture defines what we should or shouldn't wear. Culture is merely a thought and a perception. Like, we aren't supposed to wear a funky dress on a funeral, that would obviously seem odd. People would stare at us. The problem in my opinion is not in the dress, but in the perception. Culture has made us think in one way, and not the other, that's how perception works. 


Culture keeps evolving with time: changes are made according to a specific era, so culture is ever-growing and evolving. But a culture cannot completely be canceled, there are constraints and limits to culture. So, reciprocally it is never-growing. Supposedly, if a culture is to be canceled, it would take an eternity and would start as a thought, where a thinker would suggest a new thought, and would define 'how it ought to be' aspect and with that being 'thought', would come new perceptions, understanding and doubts. 


However, culture should not entirely be blamed for the misrepresentation/representation of society. It's the interpretation which makes it seemingly odd. A culture is no one's fault, and simultaneously, everyone's. The human mind is vague, with its fragile ego, doubts and opinions. The search for a fresher truth keeps us going. Constructs are not entirely agreed upon principles, but there are some slight errors: which could be termed as loopholes. To fill the spaces in the evident loopholes, a new thought spawns out of the wild which becomes the basis of a newer thought or in a broader context; a new culture. So, culture should be defined as a constant cycle of time, evolution, ideas and thought which could or couldn't be endorsed by the masses

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