Editor's Choice

Only Over Time

Only Over Time
Published On: 03-Aug-2022

We are born as racist. Let me invade your heart or let me step out; it is not a choice but a decision you made. Ever feel loneliest in social gatherings? They are made to make you feel social, but they all are escaping from each other. The pretenders' smile, the imposter hugs, the fraud promises, You can use a sharp knife on your tongue, but it bleeds you first. It will infect your inner core. Have you ever felt ashamed of what you are doing? No, because our self-esteem was just lost in the middle of the pacific ocean, whether drowned like the lost needle, I saw the emptiness of our world.

You can put your heart outside the body, but people will only take a selfie with it and post it on their four hundred and twenty followers, the numerous race for the numbers gain. I felt racism when I came into this sphere. I am in my mid-twenties; you are maybe in your early twenties or late thirties; ever you think, the potency of feelings, emotions, and observances will never let you live. Ignorance is bliss; think before you speak, but think before you do something. Don't care, ignore, unfollow, block, or just delete his number. Why are we hiding from each other? All we bleed red, All we have one heart, let us accept the real pain of departure. Let's suppose you have just two more years to live, well, not live in the life hereafter; so, how can you spend the energy for the next two years? I swear you will be the most poised person in the universe, as the fox becomes old. The taste of blood is the same. What you want to find is just losing the real one of yours. You will learn but unfortunately, only over time. Let me tell you, the concept of sensitivity is like giving birth to a daughter and waiting to say goodbye at her wedding. Life is just an act of letting go. To feel content is hard to master. Famous Punjabi poet Bulleh Shah said,

Mali da kaam pani dena, bhar bhar mashkaan pawaye 

Malik da kam phal phol lana laway ya na laway. 

All we need is to water the plant; it's up to God whether he will make it into a plant or not. 

Why do we all need to rely on God's existence; because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans. Sometimes over brightness can cause blindness. Letting go is the best act to free your soul from unbearable trauma. Yes, we all are trying to hold and chain the soul, but dear, this will not ease your desperation. It's saying, "if you do not know what to choose and what to skip, just follow the superior authorities, who have already gone through all this. Little sense of intuition and subtle difference between consciousness and insensibility makes a human. To be a human is an art, and not everyone is an artist. Well, do not worry, you will learn with every goodbye.

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