Editor's Choice

Moving on to 2021

Moving on to 2021
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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The year 2020 will be defined forever as the year of the pandemic. It’s true that the world has collectively suffered from this disease physically, emotionally, and financially. But is the pandemic all that has impacted us in 2020? Let us not make 2020 a prophet of doom, rather see the silver lining in the cloud.

         2020 has also brought family members closer. It has also witnessed the world coming together in prayers and hopes for much-needed health-care, environmental, economic, and other kinds of reforms. Present anxiety may outweigh future hopes, but some practical steps at an individual level can go a long way in making 2021 better and brighter.

         First and foremost, practice empathy. A hadith says: Do unto others what you want others to do unto you. The pandemic has reflected the deep divide between the haves and have nots. So, try to give of whatever you possess. Some charity to the needy, a good piece of advice to the seeker, a kind word to heal a broken heart, a smile to congratulate someone, time to your parents, care for a sick one, devotion to a relationship, hard-work to a noble cause… just give! Give whatever you can give. Be empathetic.

         Another thing to do in 2021 is to embrace your limitations. Find out your weaknesses. If you already know them, accept them as an important part of your existence. There is no need to be ashamed of, or embarrassed at your personal flaws or lesser social ranking or a host of other issues ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other like obese or skinny frame, poor memory, mood swings, arrogance, etc. We all are essentially weak. We grow strong over time and then regress again. While it’s important to work on your shortcomings, know that there is no such thing as a “perfect” human being. Once you have accepted a certain flaw as a part of your personality, you can dig out the reasons and understand yourself better. It’s important to “see yourself whole”. Then, you start to make yourself better, one step at a time. Be very patient. Nature has its own pace. Don’t fret too much about things.

         Next, invest in building yourself. Go for your dream job! Achieve your ideal figure! Live to your utmost! And most significantly, be thankful. Be serene! Plan, but also be ready to mold and adapt to situations. You are not in control of anything except your own reactions to things, so, react with optimism.

         The year 2021 can also be used in some really constructive hobbies. You can polish your old skills and learn interesting new things. If you’re a good reader, challenge yourself to read more in less time and under unfamiliar circumstances. You can also re-visit older texts and learn new lessons from them. Learning a new sport or playing a new musical instrument can also be fun. Cooking new recipes or perfecting old ones is always useful and worth appreciation. Hobbies like planting trees and home-gardening can increase your interaction with nature and make your environment friendly. Running your blog regarding something that really excites you can be a source of income as well as a good time-pass. Building a community network with friends, colleagues, and organizations to raise awareness about social issues can also be very meaningful.

         Last but not the least, welcome 2021 cheerfully. Accept whatever is past with grace and patience. Learn, unlearn and relearn. Keep learning! In the words of Hagrid from Harry Potter, “What’s comin’ will come an’ we’ll face it when it does”.

A very happy New Year to all of you!

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