Editor's Choice

Life As a Cycle of Continuous Rebirth

Life As a Cycle of Continuous Rebirth
Published On: 01-Aug-2023

Article by

Mawara Manzoor

Life often confuses us with its forms. It is a single life to say, but it’s a thousand lives to be. People always talk about staying for love, waiting for the right moment, sticking to the right people and things like that. 

But behind this science of staying lies the art of leaving that we don’t usually talk about. Leaving is usually considered negative as it shows inconsistency. But there is a different side of this story that we tend to overlook. A decision of leaving a person, a place, a time frame or a thing behind needs strength. More than the knowledge of words it needs the understanding of timing. We can always blame someone or even ourselves for being at the losing end but good or bad is not the decision, it’s always the intention. You can love someone immensely and still make a decision to leave because you understand what the situation needs. So is true for someone who left.

I am not talking about those who mindlessly make choices and then blame time for everything. I’m talking about those who know how precious connections yet choose to shift. And more often than not, time flips sides and we are in the places of those who once left and we never forgave them. If leaving someone or being left behind makes you realize your worth, trust me it’s needed. No matter how tough it gets or how rough it feels. You will always move forward when you leave a place or a person. Leaving might hurt for some time, but it’s a much-needed lesson. You can be right about leaving if you think what happens when you stay would be wrong.

You are different. You don’t understand the concept of finding lovers online because you are old school and you’d rather write letters than swipe left or right. It is okay, it doesn’t make you uncool, it makes you…  you. It is okay if you don’t necessarily enjoy the same things that most people do. It is okay if you like pineapple on your pizza and prefer cozy evenings in the comfort of your room over clubbing with your friends. You don’t have to change your dressing style because others think that yellow doesn’t match your skin tone or floral tees make you look weird. You wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. 

You should not change yourself to make people love you. You don’t have to sit through a three-hour long movie or go out every day to prove to your friends that you can also have ‘fun’. It is okay if your definition of fun doesn’t match theirs.

The most amazing thing about you is that there is nobody else like you. You are one of a kind to this whole world. Because we all are different. We all have our own stories of love and heartbreak, success and failure, joy and sadness, and trust me, if we all were the same, our lives would’ve been devoid of excitement and madness. When you're comfortable in your own skin, you don't have to worry about fitting in with everyone else. There is no longer any need to pretend to be someone you're not. Instead, you can be who you really are without fear of judgement.

Being yourself is a bold act of self-love and self-acceptance in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages about what we should look like, behave like, and think like. It's about letting go of the notion that one way of being is superior to any other and instead celebrating the vast range of human variation.

So, embrace your uniqueness. Embrace the ongoing cycle of death and rebirth because when you leave behind what is problematic, you discover something remarkable about yourself. Celebrate what makes you different, and don't be afraid to show it off to the world. You are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and there is no one else quite like you. So go on and fall in love with your uniqueness.

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