
Let’s Spice Up CVs

Let’s Spice Up CVs
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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Ever thought how you can present yourself in an attractive way through a piece of paper? Challenging! Isn’t it? Making a Resume/CV is a technical job to do, and it literally can make or break your image once it lands on the table of the jury.  

Dropping a CV somewhere means that people can only judge you by what you put on your CV. You have to make sure that it’s all very professional and updated. Unless you have a reference, then of course you won’t need a CV, but for the folks like me, here is what we should do. The key features of a CV must include some of these convincing aspects;

Start off by writing only the necessary personal details and avoid giving too much information. I know the need to fill up the space on the paper is clinching but trust me it is not worth it.

Mention your work experience and your roles in detail. Write your qualification along with the name of the institutions and completion year. Add facts and figures. Add your achievements, voluntary work and all possible skills or interests to gain more attention and texture.

The minute you start mentioning cliches like “hardworking” or “team player”, you have lost it already. Instead, try to mention the roles you can relate to, from your previous jobs. Add some colors and related icons with each heading so your CV stands out and doesn’t look like words thrown on a paper.

Be mindful of the font size and lining. Also, add a personal statement and no! Do not copy it from the internet, I know it is very tempting but the more creative you are, the better.

Confidence is the key. Be confident in your CV. Don’t ramble on with pointless information and lies. Stick to the facts and be sure of yourself. Remember, it is always a pleasure to see someone with more and more experience and exposure. Companies always prefer people who have some background knowledge about the position in question. So, work to obtain more content for your CV. Keep in mind that no job is small and you are constantly learning something.

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