
It’s Pakistan For Me!

It’s Pakistan For Me!
Published On: 30-Jul-2022

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Raheel lived a luxurious expat life. If he had the option, he would never return to Pakistan. His children were adults and in marriageable ages. He had been compelling them to get married, but they were satisfied with their single life style and career-oriented attitudes. This scared his wife Mehreen a lot, so she kept pushing him to set up a branch of his business in Pakistan, remain there with their children for a year or two, introduce them around and get them suitable spouses. The couple had two boys and two girls. All of them had finished university and were happily working in fields of their choices. A frustrating combination of persuasion, threats, emotional blackmailing and convincing finally got the four siblings to cave in to their parents’ demands. Each tried to take time off or get a transfer or find a new job for the promised one year. But they were sure that the whole idea was entirely stupid.

The family came back to their native town. Some days were spent setting up the old house and meeting relatives. Then, Mrs. Mehreen embarked upon her mission to actively hunt for suitable proposals. She was angry to find out that her proposals were met with a lukewarm attitude bordering on indifference. This was no different from her children’s response back home.

After three months of rigorous market search, she still had no sign of prospective sons-in-law or daughters-in-law. Around this time, Ali broke the news that he had to fly back immediately, otherwise his job was at stake. The mother hen was sorry to let one of her chicks escape from under her wings. She also discovered that Haya had been seeing a distant cousin for a few weeks now.

“Their grand-father stole your grand-mother’s jewellery. Your father will never agree to marry you into that home!”

“Grandma broke off the engagement and refused to send back the gifts. So, he had to pilfer them to pass on those gifts to the next girl!” supplied Haya easily.

“A fabrication!” roared her father. “My mother was robbed and cheated because that man was a traitor.”

“I cannot allow you to marry a selfish, traitorous guy, Haya!” wailed her mum.

Waqas broke in, “You wanted us to choose our partners from Pakistan and preferably from your family and social circle. Now that she does it, what’s wrong?”

“Why are you siding with her?” rounded Raheel on his eldest child.

“Well, I don’t see anything wrong with her choice. Get over your biases and meet the family. Or else…” Waqas paused.

“Are you threatening us?”

Waqas shrugged his shoulders. “We’ll fly back too.”

Raheel and Mehreen swallowed their ego and gave their nod to let the matter proceed. Ali joined the family on skype at his sister’s engagement ceremony. He revealed his own big news, “I would like you all to meet my girlfriend, Hamna.” Mr. and Mrs. Raheel Zia had an extremely hard time disguising their tantrum with welcoming words and sweet smiles. Fearing an outburst, Ali turned off the call soon.

“WHAT WAS THAT?” Mehreen screamed.

Both Waqas and Haya explained to their mom that now it was Ali and Hamna's choice to get married in their own time. No pressure!

“I have high blood pressure,” Raheel threw himself on the sofa beside his wife.

“You should be thankful. Two of your kids are getting married,” Waqas said cheekily.

“I’d rather the remaining two not test our nerves,” cried his mum.

“You need to have faith in your children’s choices,” said Tanya. Her parents shot her down with a violent stare. “No, I don’t have any love interest… yet.”

Haya’s wedding date was fixed. She and her husband would leave for Canada where Sameer had applied for PR. Ali’s girlfriend’s parents were visiting Pakistan and he arranged a meeting between the two sets of parents. Unfortunately, he and Hamna had professional commitments, so they couldn’t avail a leave. They decided to have a wedding ceremony as soon as both sets of parents flew back.

Soon after Haya’s wedding, Raheel announced that his business required him to stay in Pakistan longer than a year. The others were free to go back. Waqas decided to help his father with business. Mehreen and Tanya flew back for Ali’s wedding.

A few weeks after Ali’s engagement, Tanya and Waqas were busy in a highly confidential telephonic conversation.

“He’s from an orthodox Christian family. Some of our values are similar, like he doesn’t eat pork or drink alcohol.”

“Something that even some Muslims do these days. If he’s a good guy and becomes a Muslim, legally, it’s possible for you to marry him.”

“He’s ready to accept Islam. I am more scared of Mum and Dad than getting married!”

All hell broke loose in the Raheel Zia household at this revelation. But, time, effort and persuasion finally brought the parents round.

After Tanya’s marriage, Mr. Raheel asked Waqas, “Is there any bomb that you’d like to explode regarding your marriage?”

“No, Dad. I have no interest in women.”

Raheel could only stare. He understood the implication, but ignored it entirely. “I am an old man with old traditions. That’s Pakistan for me, son! I’ll fix an arranged marriage for you.” Waqas gave his consent.

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