
How Internet could Harm the Ecosystem

How Internet could Harm the Ecosystem
Published On: 31-Jul-2021

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Historically, evolution is an undeniable fact. It has ambivalent effects For instance, the world has changed drastically in the past 15 years. Every change comes with newer challenges. Environmental challenge is the most serious threat faced by the world in the 21st Century. Climatic conditions are changing with each passing year. There are many variables that cause a stir-up or a stir-down in the climate.

Did You Know:  “A lot of carbon dioxide is emitted when we use the internet.” 

The Internet is a gift, and a curse: not discussing the psychological aspects, but did you know, the internet consumes about 500-terawatt hours electricity per year. About 80% of the power is consumed by YouTube, Netflix, and other streaming services. Our phone and computer deplete Carbon Dioxide.

The Internet is by far the most drastic change. It has shaped up and completely changed the pursuit of our collective and individual lives. We can save a good sum of power (electricity) by downloading the videos instead of watching them repeatedly. Watching television programs on cable (television) instead of the internet would help the cause.

We can save power consumption by streaming the videos at a lower resolution. 90% carbon gas emission can be reduced if we turn our cameras off during video calls and online conferences. One Google search consumes the same amount of energy as five electric bulbs. Carbon emission is one such factor that leads to adverse climate conditions. Deforestation, decomposition, cement production and burning of fossil fuels like; coal, oil, and natural gases, are some other factors that cause carbon emission.

A lot is at stake since the cryptocurrency boom. For its maintenance, or mining: we need unlimited supply of data and power. In order to ensure unlimited power and data, we need a stable source which would not run out of time. A conventional powerhouse might not be sufficient to run the operations in cryptocurrency databases. Therefore, power plants are needed for the purpose of mining. 

Power Plants are fixed for Bitcoin mining, for instance, a power plant in Siberia was turned into a Bitcoin farm. And a power plant in New York is being used as Bitcoin’s server. Bitcoin’s worldwide blockchain consumes 110 terawatt hours of electricity which equals Netherlands’ annual power consumption.

For climate researcher Jonathan F. Donges, carbon dioxide gas emission from power plants is not only a societal issue, but also a threat to the environment, and it’s adverse effects are faced by the world. “Cryptocurrency related companies like bitcoin need computing powers to operate and with their expansion, they require more energy consumption which poses a serious threat to the environment” He suggests “world needs less-power consuming alternatives.”

70% World’s Bitcoin mining takes place in China. Where electricity is produced from cheap coal. As per a report, more carbon gases are emitted by mining in China than Denmark’s whole carbon emission. In 2019, China was the biggest emitter of fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. With a share of almost 30 percent of the world's total CO2 emissions that year, this was roughly twice the amount emitted by the second largest emitter the United States.

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