
Health Aspects of Coffee and Caffeine

Health Aspects of Coffee and Caffeine
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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Oh, we do love to start our day off with a perfectly brewed coffee, don’t we? From the light roast to an absolute black, and everything in-between, the satisfaction of our hunger is a worthy pursuit. So, the dilemma, whether it has health benefits or not? We might add here, excess of everything is bad.

 Caffeine was first extracted from cocoa beans into its purest form, a white powder, in the 1820s by a German Scientist named Friedrich Ferdinand Runge. It belongs to a group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. Today, it has taken many new shapes and forms, and is consumed on a daily basis by billions of people all over the world.

Studies have pointed out that an overdose of caffeine can be troubling for people suffering from hypertension, diabetes or osteoporosis. High intake of boiled, unfiltered coffee has also been associated with moderate increase in cholesterol levels. It can also cause insomnia, anxiety and heartburn if taken along certain medications. While past research suggested that coffee might have a dark side, latest research is of the view that it may actually have some health benefits.

Coffee may offer some protection against:

Parkinson's disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Liver disease, including Liver Cancer
Heart attack and stroke

Caffeine is also used in some medicines as it treats conditions like tiredness and drowsiness.

To sum it up, it’s up to you, what you want to be on the receiving end of. But remember if you are trying to cut back on your caffeine consumption you need to do it bit by bit. A sudden withdrawal can have its own side effects. And don't forget: Your favorite beverage and chocolate bar may also contain caffeine.

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