Editor's Choice

Betwixt: An Ontology of Scattered Thoughts

Betwixt: An Ontology of Scattered Thoughts
Published On: 05-Oct-2021

Pure is rare. We have a set of impurities in our blood. Nothing is left in its most complete form. The phenomenon of catharsis must be set to honesty. While I talked to them, my desperation fluctuated. Welcome to this crazy world, comrade. Here, we feel more comfortable with strangers than our own. All of us will be stories and fables one day. This illusory world with fake ambience will collapse soon.

Although, the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What if the beholder lies on a throne of lies? What if he hides in the depiction of egocentrism? Things left unsaid aren't the best ones. The expression of love makes a man perfect. In this short-spanned existence, with some spare time you see what has passed and what might come. This disruption of phases is an entire dilemma for us, the Homo sapiens. I ran faster and faster to keep up, despite being aware of this never-ending race of blind dogs, who seek nothing but money and status. What if you’re able to bag ‘em all? Why are you carrying all those bricks? Blame the world for this one. My world comprises only four chambers of heart. The upper wing is for divine appointments, and lower ones are reserved for poisonous prescriptions. I learnt this notion from the modern world. Be an angel, but never make the devil angry. Both are your survivors. There is a room of solitude where we are allowed to do anything. In our youth, we forgive everything, but the fragmentation of regrets will leave an imprint on our feebleness.

My mom used to tell me:

Rul khao tey khannd khao, luk khao re goonh khao

(to eat together is like sweets, to eat secretly is like cow’s dung) 

We are attracted to natural human behaviours. There is a slight shift of moving objects. Look but don't see, See, but don't focus, focus but don't feel. Remember the days when you had fear; the abundance of hatred and arrogance…. heal it or leave it; this too shall pass. To disappear is similar to that hollow sea-shell which embraces the drop of water and converts it into a pearl. We only show the brighter side of our personality; let's talk about the other side, the censored one.

Human is an art of personification, who loses worries fewer days to the counting of days before his death. As Elizabeth Bishop said, "The art of losing isn't hard to master". Man knows how to be a master in undesirable behaviours knowing that it's easier to lose self. Regardless of these false facts, we still chose to live in a fool's paradise. Between fantasy and reality, life is concise. We can try to render more dirty tricks and be a little more ungrateful. So that, we can finally be proud of our ultimate hypocrisy. Now, the dopamine receptors are being developed in our brains, take a long pause to reconstruct it or seek help from your sixth sense, which provokes you towards insensitivity. Every judge gets judged by another judge, and sinners judge sinners. The only thing which will remain is your positive vibe and clarity. So, spread it the way you spread your hopelessness. We are crafty men whose craft is crafted by the Almighty. So, let's think about the beauty of the Creator, who will never let you down whether you live in holy love or sleep with the enemy.

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