
Astrology : The Science of Fortune Telling-III

Astrology : The Science of Fortune Telling-III
Published On: 29-Apr-2023

Article by

Zubair Chishti

To Sin or to Err a Byproduct of Lack of Training & Knowledge!

The rainfall of good and bad planetary commands equally showers on everything in this world. As far as the entity of Satan/Devil/ or Lucifer is concerned, Astrology; it is a symbolic figure named for instigating sin and to err. But factually, all human mind commands come from emerging combinations of stars, planets, houses and signs in the heavens which drive him to think and act. Humans are created the supreme creature and are assigned many responsibilities for being vice of God/Allah. It’s the most dignified entity with bestowed wisdom and a thinking mind; it has supremacy on animals. Animals are mentally pre-programmed for their lives having no choice so, live a very limited given life cycle. Contrary to animals, humans are born with a blank-slate mind. Human has to develop his quality of life & character by learning everything from his world. To err is due to lack of knowledge.  And mistakes are due to the forgetful nature of humans or revolt against rules of discipline. This is why uneducated people are less civilized, and mostly less aware, less wise and less disciplined. They perform good actions as well as bad deeds in their lives side by side as it is according to the planetary commands. But in comparison, educated people using bestowed wisdom to them learn to obey the authorities; get education, learn manners, etiquettes, discipline, social norms, civility, profound ethics; using the thinking mind to learn lessons of life observations and experiences. They think, analyze, adopt a positive approach, rules of good conduct, make better decisions and choose the better way. 

The wise humans using their learnt profound character and conduct resist bad deed commands of fate software that could cause trouble and loss to humans individually as well as communally. So, God wants us to get maximum knowledge of ethics, our own self, our needs, our environment, and the society that we live in. So we can be more knowledgeable, disciplined and beneficial for ourselves and this world as well. And to be a really aware and civilized human who can overcome the bad deed commands (called Satan) coming from the human software. Choosing between good and bad is the most difficult battle in mind that continues 24/7/52. We as supreme creatures of God being the vice of Allah on this earth must learn to act in a cultured, humanitarian, and civilized way to live ever in peace and luxury. Actually, this proactive and interactive life on this earth is a training mission for us to learn profound attitudes and behaviors to develop refined high values of discipline and ethics to enable ourselves for Jannah. This entire plan of God is to pass humans through this world of hardships and trouble to attain some extreme objective of God. Humans happen to be exposed to an unstoppable rainfall of planetary rays bringing remote commands to make man active throughout his life.


Real Skill in any Occult is not Possible Without Spirituality

Spirituality means how strong your relationship with the creator of this universe you have through your obedience, submissiveness, and respectfulness to Him, and how much you are close to your (AM) Lord through your attention, imagination and meditation. Islam is the only religion that gives the ultimate spirituality and occult; as Allah Almighty; is the final and the real source of all spirituality, knowledge, and occult. Therefore, I’ve practically observed when you happen to be lethargic in maintaining yourself as a practicing Muslim, Allah halts revealing his secrets to your heart, and your astrology research and learning process stops.


The Misconception about Astrology is on Purpose Spread in the Muslim Society in General and Especially in Pakistan

There’s a general misconception about astrology that it is prohibited in Islam and studying or consulting an astrologer is a great sin bla, bla, bla… Such confusions have been purposefully spread in the Muslim countries by the evil forces who want to keep Muslims away from this precious treasure, want to snatch this telescope of the future from us. So, we Muslims may not be able to look into the future and we may not be able to encounter the evil plans of the satanic forces apparently ruling the world especially the Muslim countries. This negative misconception prevails almost in all the Muslim countries in general and especially in Pakistani Muslim Society. Due to this misconception during the voyage of exploration of astrology I happened to face sheer opposition from my family, relatives, friends, religious scholars, and all the people who knew my passion. At a number of times I happened to be demotivated, snubbed, scolded, and denounced. 

For many years I had been quite defamed in this regard. Facing such violent opposing ferocious winds, thunderstorms, and tsunamis I happened to be disappointed many times and had to decide to give it up. But, in spite of my efforts, I could not avoid it. After having developed much learning, understanding, and conceptual clarity of astrology I discovered in my horoscope that becoming an astrologer was predestined to me. After learning some astrology I have come to know that astrology has become the most useful occult science in the world today. We Muslims have abandoned astrology for centuries; the consequences of this grave oblivion and resistance towards astrology have been so devastating towards Muslims throughout the world. I conclude; the misconception about astrology prevailing in our Muslim society especially in Pakistan; is extremely harmful and dangerous to the existence of the Muslim community in the world.


Fate Engineering

As a student and a researcher of ‘Astrology’ I have also done many studies and have done much practical research for more than two and half decades. Most of my research on astrology has been based on practical observation to find out the reality of human software through astrology and learn how it really works in our lives. I underwent the process of experiencing that, once you are really involved in studying astrology and people’s personalities, their lives, and your own self as well; astrology gives you a great flavor of developing your interest to deep levels. A time comes when your own intuition awakens and you start exploring secrets yourself. 

Later on, you feel you are happening to enable yourself into making your own findings and discoveries. By the great intuitive help of Allah Almighty, I have had such numerous, unique, unignorable, and undeniable discoveries in astrology that I have never studied or learned elsewhere. These new discoveries have enhanced my level of this great knowledge of human personality and fate. God Almighty has bestowed the ability and knowledge to some such lucky and precious people of the world who can harness the human software to change misfortune to luck. The way the machine is possible for an engineer to invent and fix; the way a software engineer can fix the software, exactly the same way human software has been discovered to be possible to be fixed as well. Fate engineering is the new term that I have coined and used for modifying mine and many people’s fate by modifying their stars. It has been successful now to change your fortune nearly close to your desire and to get rid of your misfortune, chronic problems, and disease. The people who have their exact birth-time data saved; are really lucky to have fate engineering possible for them if needed. It is concluded that astrology can really serve mankind in pursuit of using it as a source of driving fortune towards better personality traits, enhance luxuries, comforts and better events to bring about in life.


Today, Astrologers Can Predict Almost Everything 

Astrology enables astrologers to look into all systems on the earth running automatically. Today, astrologers can predict almost everything; all matters and systems on the earth for example winds & storms, clouds & weathers, flora & fauna, oceans & tides, food & crops, world politics, human relations, choosing education line, exploring more ways of earnings, enhancing possessions and money, timing of prominent events in life, troubleshooting etc. Astrology also helps in sketching a person’s personality and traits; good habits and bad habits; trends and aptitudes; potentials and characteristics; attitudes and behaviors; likes and dislikes; career building; relations and matches; love and marriage; number and genders of children; health and diseases; friends and foes… even everything of one’s life can be seen and predicted in advance and devise solutions. Astrology has become capable of giving a time table of a person’s life path from birth to all life but the exact time of death remains a divine secret. When you know what is destined to happen in the coming days you can encounter them with better plans. You can make good decisions in time and make policies to avoid bad things and get more advantage of good things coming to you in future…!!!


Acknowledgement of Astrology

Astrology must be admitted as the knowledge of human fate controlling software that drives life and fortune. I have discovered that knowledge of this software astrology has the greatest potential of exploring the current situations, problem-solving, and maneuvering the future of people, institutions, parties, and even countries towards good. The start time or the birth time horoscope is the best guide to better planning for a person, or an organization, or a country’s life. Now, the real need is to explore astrology to a level that instead of planets and astrological signs are swaying human life on their own path they should serve mankind as a driving force according to the desire and need of people in trouble.


‘World Deep State’ Using Astrology;

Telescoping World Matters; Controlling & Exploiting

Now, let's discuss how the secret evil forces of the world are fore-telescoping their people’s future and use this science to brighten their nations’ lives, enhance their strengths and manipulate it to continue their hold on the world. They have harnessed this software. Not only do they use ‘Astrology’ to plan better for their own interest and, but also plan to maneuver decades in advance for the world and enemy countries towards misfortune and loss. They have the data of birth of almost all rulers and countries dates of coming into being; foresee their policies and conspire against them and undermine their strengths and change or assassinate good people and bring their puppets into power. This is how they have ruled the world for centuries. On the other hand, the evil forces of the world have injected tons of resources to declare learning astrology as an act of sin; and have imposed a strict ban on learning knowledge of astrology in Islam. Due to this blunderous ignorance we Muslims are being ruled over and being exploited by Zionist Dajjalis the world over.


The Purpose of writing this series was, not teaching astrology, but to share a better and practically derived realistic and rationally modern view on it. So, the readers of this series may at least get rid of their confusion and reservations about astrology. I have a great opportunity to share my learning, understanding, and innovative view on astrology. I am highly indebted to spiritual mentor. Dr. Muhammad Azeem Farooqi for his spiritual training for years. And I share my gratitude to Monthly Azeem English Magazine for asking me to write an article on Astrology for the Magazine In the last twenty-six years, this is the first time I have written something on Astrology. I have taken a step to write and share such bestowed “Fate Engineering Expertise” with my beloved readers. All my astrological concepts’ development has happened to take place through decades of study, observations of people’s day to day life, and research on daily events. Allah Almighty helped me a lot and I developed such a bright evolution of understanding that has sharpened my intuition as well. Let me and let my readers know how great things I have discovered in the course of research in astrology. I found that spirituality is the mother of all occult sciences. Without astrology, spirituality is even incomplete. Allah has created and named this software in the Holy Qur’an calling it Loh-e-Mahfooz in the Ch-30 Surah Burooj. Modern astrology has harnessed fate software the Loh-e-Mehfooz provided, as much Allah Almighty allows somebody. It is now possible for an expert astrologer to change the star position of a person/organization/a political party or a country towards a better future. Other than giving a conventional view on astrology all aforesaid findings of mine made me give a realistically rational, different, and unique view on astrology.

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