Editor's Choice

A Quarantine Notion

A Quarantine Notion
Published On: 04-Jun-2021

Life is a quarantine. Fourteen days or fourteen thousand days, the moment to breathe is trapped into a specific period. As I look into the sky, it seems to be unclear. I can't be able to visualize the ray of light. The sun appears to be unwarmed. My journey has been started and will never go to an end. The life of a prisoner is much better than mine. I summed up that life is uncertain as the sperm in the uterus is unaware of being fertilized or not. It's never too easy to start from scratch. To undo the mind from the past. It is a strange feeling to get stuck in between the cultural perspectives of life and academic career. My plane gets ready to take off. I fasten my seat belt and shed off my tears. I look at the mist of emotions on others people's faces. I want to fly, but my wings are short. I want to dip deep, but I am too deficient. I wish to feel the pain, but I took the medicines. I saw different people with diverse destinations. They are not talking to each other they are worried about what if they get Coronavirus. They are scared. Nature hits them hard. They are having different colors, different dialects, different traditions but the same heart. The sound of their heart is the same. They don't want to contact anyone because they know every other person is Covid positive except them. I have the symptoms of agony. I have the signs of dishonesty. Although having all the symptoms, I will be Covid negative soon. The reason is not a single device can detect this virus. Life can be unfair to us. Someone wants to die but cannot die. While others want to live but cannot survive. This means that life is the process of fragility. This cycle begins from the intimacy you didn't wish for and ends up with the line you didn't draw. We draw our lines between the zodiac stars. You are scorpions, so you tilt towards loyalty. You are Cancerian, so you're an energy drainer. My energy is drained the day when I tried to build myself with socially constructed ideas. The end is absurd. Whether to go or leave, nothing can be predictable. Flow like the floating dolphin and restrict as the Spanish bull. You can be the storyteller or can be the story. The choice between the glory and the excuse is yours. I choose neither of them. The binaries of win and defeat never belong to me. Our locked souls and deprived mind never let us grow. The seashores of East to the West will never ease ours negatively. It is beyond the thoughts. Well, the point of self-realization is a volatile process. It is the cycle from life to death. All we have is one heart. The thing you love most has to be given the most, and the item you hate most must be avoided the most. There is only one correct formula for a happy life, and that is No Formula. Happiness comes when you realize that the moment you live in joy. Past and future are for the escapers. The real ones cherish the present; that's why it is called the present.

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