Editor's Choice

Positive Reflection

Positive Reflection
Published On: 01-Nov-2022

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“Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success.” - Richard Carison 


When I look for reflection in the dictionary, I get two definitions: one is throwing back by a body or surface of light, or sound without observing it. And the other definition is serious thought or consideration or writing about something. The first definition is what we learned in school, while the second is what life has taught us throughout our lives, and we frequently reflect on events after they happened and try to learn from them, obviously, we must focus on the second meaning of reflection. Uplifting activities are very significant for keeping people motivated and keep going. In this busy world, we usually forget to devote time to ourselves. Instead, we are frequently preoccupied with our profession and forget to spend quality time with ourselves. What reflection is? What if you could listen to your thoughts? Are they positive or negative? How are you programming your mind, for success or failure? Your performance is greatly influenced by how you think. Having a positive attitude and being motivated is a choice we make every morning. Reflection is an experience, in which you think about why you thought that way, why you acted that way. Outside forces cannot make you reflect, you must experience it inside yourself. When reflecting on an event, one should evaluate how he or she acted in that particular circumstance, how he or she responded so that the results were different, and how certain things should have been done differently so that the results were different. Reflection is often internal rather than external. Reflection is very essential for personal growth because it allows you to consider how you thought and responded in a particular situation. Life teaches us different things at different times. We are constantly learning throughout our lives, whether in our personal or our professional lives. Sometimes in life, you have to take a step back and look back to see further forward. One can determine how sensitive one is to stress, and negative emotional triggers. One can learn to cope with stress. Nothing can replace the power of reflection. It is best for self-awareness and self-improvement. It boosts your self-esteem. It makes you more valuable, regardless of what you do and where you work. Success requires self-reflection and self-awareness. It is a self-experience that makes you worthy and worthiness determines the quality of the journey, that is what gives meaning and fulfillment, and success without fulfillment is empty.

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