
What's home to me?

What's home to me?
Published On: 28-Apr-2022

Article by

Bisma Saeed

Few days back I had a very strange dream. I woke up mumbling "Muma, muma!" But being not able to open my eyes I felt terrified. Then, when I was just about to fall off from my bunk bed, I realized I was dreaming. All wet, half in sweat and half in tears. It was dark, pitch black in the room and outside too. I called my roommates names just to feel a bit safe and to assure myself that someone was in the room. But because everyone was deep in sleep, no one responded. I calmed myself down, wiped off my tears and changed my side so that I could try sleeping again. But no matter how hard I try, tears keep rolling out of my tightly shut eyes. I had no idea what was keeping me awake after that. Was it homesickness? My fear? Loneliness or Muma?

She didn't do anything special back at home when I had bad dreams. Just her presence by my side was more than enough. It's been 2 years since i left home for studies but still that kid i try hard to mature here, craves her mother's warmth and presence.

It's scary how time is flying.

I not only missed Muma that day but my 2 classes afterwards also. Because the whole time I couldn't sleep. And when the sun came out to make me feel safe my alarm started ringing. Totally exhausted, I dismissed it, turned off my phone and finally fell asleep. No one was there to wake me up before time, lying saying I'm getting late for class. Because no one here has that much time. It's no one's concern whether i take class or not. Life here is a race. A never ending competition. And I'm still trying to keep up my pace.


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