
Self-Reflection: Simplicity

Self-Reflection: Simplicity
Published On: 12-Mar-2021

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What exactly is self-reflecting and why is it so important? Well, we humans adapt to our surroundings and we do it very well. To make it short and simple, we see how things are around us, we learn that behavior and then it becomes a part of us. The problem is that not all learned behavior is good and needs to be unlearned consciously.


Gossiping, lying, making hurtful comments or jokes etc., these are all the things we have either done at one point in our lives or are still doing it because it seems to be ‘normal’ behavior. In school it may be commenting on someone’s skin color, height or any other physical appearance jokingly but then we are never corrected and it becomes a part of us. With the same mindsets we, then, enter society as active members and shape the society as a whole. Except now this isn’t school anymore and rather than being taught, we have become the teachers and the same ‘jokes’ are now used to measure your worth as a human being. Messed up, right?


However, learned behavior can also be unlearned.


Now, all that being said, I’ve always questioned why our culture makes things so complicated when there are easier, simpler ways. From having weddings which aren’t affordable, landing people into debt, to parents forcing their children to pick up careers which are “respectable” in society rather than letting them do what they are interested in or good at. Our religion doesn’t state any of it, it’s not logical and yet we make these complicated decisions.


This made me self-reflect. Am I unconsciously caring about the ‘log kya kahein ge?’ (what would people say?) notion? If so, it would mean that when I’ll be responsible for teaching the generation after us, I’ll also be passing this on to them and/or making their life difficult as well.


But is just believing in something enough? Now here’s the thing, we believe in a lot of things but we can always teach others better by example. So, that’s what I’m trying to do, be an example, consciously changing learned behavior and this is just one aspect of it.

To Be Continued!

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