
What our 10 Billion $ Time Machine tells us about Your Life

What our 10 Billion $ Time Machine tells us about Your Life
Published On: 29-Mar-2022

Article by

Armughan Munir

Three decades, 10 Billion dollars & Gazillion failures later, The James Webb Space Telescope was finally launched into its orbit on 25th Dec, 2021.
At the time of it’s launch, James Webb had 344 single point failures.
Thankfully, All of those actions were deployed successfully.
Now our 10 Billion $ time machine continues to orbit the sun, peacefully.

One day, As I came back home from my University. My 8 year old brother ran to me, almost shouting.

I tried to calm him down, but he kept speaking at the top of his lungs (like he normally does).
That’s the level of excitement we should have.
You might be thinking,
What does the JWST have to do with ME?
The answer, how about “EVERYTHING”
Human beings are very interesting creatures. The universe was unfolding pretty much okay until we showed up. With all the gifts of our intelligence, We started asking Questions about Everything.
Whatever humans set their gaze upon, They had to ask “Where did it come from?”
I have a question for you, as you are holding this magazine in your hand.
“Where did this moment that you are experiencing come from?”
To make a very long story short.
Everything that you experience in your life, is just the result of an explosion that happened 13.8 billion years ago. I know it’s hard for the ego to accept.
When Galileo discovered that the Earth isn’t the center of the Universe.
He was threatened because this fact was hurting the egotistical beliefs of The Catholic Church at that time.
Science has been very cruel for our egos.
But if you ask any scientist in his senses, This is the “Truth”
Jesus Chirst said,
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John (8:32)

The truth is,
It’s just a bunch of atomic structures coming into your senses.
Every single thing is that way.
If it wasn’t for the big bang, You wouldn’t have been reading this magazine. ALAS I wouldn’t have written this article either.

Remember that every moment of your life, every experience that shaped you came from The Big Bang 13.8 Billion years ago.
And The Present moment is what it is because of the forces that caused it to be the way it is (Cause & Effect)
The JWST is of utter importance because it’ll help us study the very early years of the big bang. The cause that started it all.
We’ll have scientific proof of how the very first stars began to form just millions of years after the big bang.
What’s special about this telescope is that it’ll go on to study the universe in Infrared regions.
Infrared waves occur at frequencies just above microwaves and below visible red light.
Infrared is the only wavelength that is able to make past thick clouds of cosmic dust.
To make it simple enough,
JWST has the ability to pick up infrared waves which were released during the formation of the very first stars (back to 13.7 billion years approximately)
The reason why we call it a time machine is because it’ll help us look back and study the formation of the very first stars.
JWST is just an instrument which is helping us get closer to the nature of things, which turns out to be extremely impersonal.
After studying the universe with great depths. The conclusion we didn’t make it is,
“YOU did it”
Were you there when the very first stars started to form? No One was.
Our life is just a small blip as compared to the life of the universe which keeps unfolding.
Just like our beautiful home, Earth is not even a speck of dust as compared to just our Milky Way Galaxy. Not to mention, There are more than 2 trillion galaxies.
It’s just a Pale Blue Dot as Carl Sagan told us.

To Quote from his book of the same name:

The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

JWST is just another what I like to call “Instrument of Truth”. If nothing else, It’ll help us realize deeply that what we experience has nothing to do with us. So, Take it lightly
There is nothing in this world to get neurotic about.
Just a bunch of experiences, on a speck of dust.

Take it easy. Breathe

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