
Unveiling the Mysteries of Quantum Physics - Part III

Unveiling the Mysteries of Quantum Physics - Part III
Published On: 18-Feb-2024

Article by

Saad Rashid

Quantum Physics and Life 

Biology is not just an isolated branch of science but it uses numerous laws and theories of Chemistry and Physics to explain the mysterious phenomenons taking place in living organisms. With the recent surge in Quantum Physics some questions and inquiries such as "How does Quantum Physics impact life?" or "Do Quantum Laws govern living organisms?" have emerged to the surface. Researchers are now delving into the depths of life sciences through the lens of Quantum physics leading to the emergence of some astonishing theories and phenomenons taking place in the unimaginable human body. 


This intersection of Quantum Physics and Biology has led to the birth of a new type of science known as “Quantum Biology”. This field discovers the behavior of particles at the smallest level, operating in a realm of microorganisms where classical Physics fails to provide an answer. Even though mother nature only adopts classical Physics in our small observatory world, we have no idea what it is doing behind our backs. 


Let's kick things off with a process that's universally known. It serves as the backbone of the existence of all life. And you guessed it right, it's photosynthesis. But photosynthesis is not a mysterious phenomenon, plants just use sunlight and water to produce oxygen and glucose. There are no interruptions from quantum here right? Well, it's not as simple as that. Within the chlorophyll molecules of plants, light energy is converted into chemical energy with astonishing efficiency. This is something which has troubled scientists for decades. 


But recent studies suggest that this is because quantum coherence —where particles exist in multiple states simultaneously—plays a major role in enhancing the efficiency of energy transfer during photosynthesis. To understand it more swiftly, imagine a group of friends holding hands and walking together in sync. This represents quantum coherence. If they walk together in perfect sync, they might travel faster and more efficiently. In the quantum world, particles can act similarly, staying coordinated (coherent) to accomplish tasks more effectively, like efficiently transferring energy during photosynthesis.


This process is considered to take place in the first photosynthetic organisms on the planet and still exists in plants till date. This is also a reason why scientists have failed to build a completely artificial plant or any device with greater efficiency. 


Moving onto cells, specifically human cells, enzymes are termed as one of the most mysterious things in our body. And according to recent studies, enzymes even apply a major quantum phenomenon known as “quantum tunneling” to facilitate chemical reactions. But before that, let's understand what quantum tunneling is. 


Quantum tunneling is a process in which particles can pass through energy barriers despite lacking the required energy to do so according to classical physics. Essentially, it allows particles to 'tunnel' through obstacles that would seem impossible in the classical world. This extraordinary behavior arises due to the wave-like nature of particles at the quantum level, enabling them to appear on the other side of a barrier without physically crossing it. 


To understand its vast concept, let us take a look at an example. Imagine a marble rolling toward a hill, representing a barrier. In classical physics, if the marble lacks enough energy, it won't climb the hill. However, in quantum tunneling, the marble magically appears on the other side of the hill without climbing it—it "tunnels'' through the barrier, defying the classical rules. Enzymes apply this process of quantum tunneling to ensure that the chemical reaction takes place quickly and with a high efficiency.  


Another groundbreaking discovery of this decade is that the navigation abilities of some birds rely on quantum physics as well. But how is that possible? According to researchers, birds like the European robin and other migratory birds rely on the process of quantum entanglement for their mind blowing navigation skills. Quantum entanglement is a process in which two particles are inter-connected regardless of the distance or obstacles between them. It defies classical physics, but it is possible in the strange world of quantum physics. 


To explain it further, visualize a scenario where you possess a set of headphones, and your friend possesses an identical pair, so when you play a song, your friend's headphones start playing the same song too even if your friend is present in another galaxy. They are connected with each other no matter the distance. This phenomenon is known as Quantum Entanglement. So, how does this relate with the navigation skills of migratory birds? Well, scientists think that these birds contain a built-in “compass” which is against the Earth’s magnetic field. This allows these birds to navigate through this wild and vast world of ours. 


Quantum Biology challenges our perceptions of the boundary between the microscopic quantum world and the complex realm of living organisms. By peeking into the quantum realm within biology, researchers are uncovering the magnificent and mind-blowing effects of quantum physics hidden behind the curtain of life, offering insights that could revolutionize our understanding of both quantum physics and the complexities of living systems.


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