Mental Health

Thinking About Thinking

Thinking About Thinking
Published On: 04-Jun-2021

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Our soul is covered with body, a beautiful structure created by the supreme soul. We all are connected to cosmos in terms of energy. That’s why we feel all the external changes. Like change of climates, effects of eco-balance system and natural calamities as everything in nature is made up of five basic elements. And grossly, human body is also formed by combination of these five great elements: earth (muscles & bones), water (blood), fire (heat energy) ,air (breathing prana energy) and space (emptiness within). We all are depending on nature and eco-system for food. In today’s time of fitness we all are so much involved into what, when, how to eat so that we have good and disease free physical outlook for long span of life. But even after with busy work schedules, having healthy food we are facing mental disturbance on daily basis which we call stress. Have you ever thought what this stress is all about? • Worry and pressure that is caused by having too much to deal with. The special attention that you give to something with sleepless nights because you think it is important.

• Your strength of acceptance which varies person to person. • We need to think what food we are giving to our minds in daily routine.

What can we do to stay healthy mentally?

Mental hygiene is to achieve mental health. It’s a science that deals with the process of achieving mental health and preserving it in society. “Quality & quantity of thoughts and sleep” is food for a healthy mind. What quality and quantity of conversation we are having on gross level. What content we read. What kind of personalities we meet every day. What we perceive grossly on daily basis creates different impressions on brain emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Our body hears what the mind says. Therefore, all above mental hygiene process is equally important for overall mind, body & soul. Practicing mental hygiene for a healthy mind helps -

• To develop self-respect & respect for others: One of the major factors that may lead to most of the emotional disorders is the loss of self-respect. An individual who likes himself can like others and an individual whodislikes himself would find it difficult to like anybody else. The main goal of mental hygiene is to help a person to respect oneself.
• To help realize one’s potentials. To understand one’s limitations and tolerate other’s limitation.
• To cause harmonious development of the physical, mental and spiritual capacities of an individual. This would help people to make adjustments with their circumstances in all spheres of life like work, school-college, society, home and self.
• To create happiness with positive attitude. Helps each person to know themselves more as they are unaware about their limitations, weakness, potentials, etc. because of which they suffer from different kind of complexes.

Mental health is also important for inculcating habits. habits?

Something that we do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing. Hence it’s easy to create thoughts and impressions on mind for learning but it’s difficult to unlearn to replace it with new experiences. That’s why mind trips into past experiences at times easily and quickly. Therefore, we need to be aware of ours thoughts. According to yogic perspective people who practice yoga and meditation may experience vital effects on individual’s mental health.

• Reduce stress, depression, confusions with a relief from pressure of compulsions.

• A positive benefit from yogic exercise is called renewal of mental agility, willingness, attentiveness, as well as capacity and mood for alertness to tackle difficulties.

• Acceptance of faith in life as confidence. Confident living is the main objective of yoga where its purpose is to replace pessimism with an appreciation of life every day. Last but not the least, prayers and meditation;

• Gives intense respite. • Provides internal serenity in all situations of life.

• Aids in countering complications while increasing awareness and consciousness.

• Elicits feelings of hope, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude improving focus and fortitude.

• Relieves stress, fears, miseries.

• Optimizes one’s creative potential while keeping an individual calm and composed


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Monthly "Azeem English Magazine", launched in 2000, records the information about diverse fields like mental health, literature, research, science, and art. The magazine's objective is to impart social, cultural, and literary values to society.

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