Tamkenat Mansoor

Tamkenat Mansoor
Published On: 29-Mar-2021

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Apart from being an MBBS doctor, when did you decide that you are going to be a comedian and a digital content creator?

 First of all, much gratitude for considering me for this interview. Secondly, I don’t like when people refer to me as a comedian because I don’t want a certain label. However, I always wanted to do something in the performing arts since my childhood, and now, I don’t miss any chance to pursue my passion (smiles).


You have plenty of videos in which you have portrayed your talent in a very dynamic way. I would like to know who has been your inspiration?

Well, my answer to this question, at least to me, is quite funny. Right from my childhood, I had been a huge fan of the performer Michael Jackson, although, he has nothing to do with what I do, still he has always inspired me. His larger-than-life and charismatic personality has always awestruck me. He was a phenomenon, and his charm stayed with me. At that time, I was not aware of what exactly I wanted to do, yet, I knew that I wanted to be on heights of fame just like Michael Jackson was.


Being a social media star, are you satisfied with the trends and benchmarks set by your contemporaries?

See, if the audience is following social media trends and showcasing their love to the content by digital producers, then I am in no authority to criticize anyone. I feel masses formulate the standards by exhibiting their interests to a certain type of content, and these days, experimenting with the content is a bit challenging. People may or may not like it, but still, you will attract a peculiar crowd. Basically, I want to say, “to each his own”; different content for different viewers. However, I don’t really appreciate harmful content.


Cyber Bullying (trolling), unfortunately, is getting normalized these days. People like you, who make realistic content fall prey to it. So, how do you manage the hate that comes your way?

I am somebody who encounters hateful comments and disgusting messages abundantly. Initially, I used to get really affected by it, and would try to justify my views to the hate-mongers. Trust me, it was really a frustrating experience. However, a year back I consulted one of my friends Shoaib, and I expressed how this online hatred makes me anxious and sad. What I learnt from him has really helped me, and now I don’t interact with the trolls anymore. Someone who uses derogatory remarks, I simply delete and reside to the block option (laughs). Furthermore, as per my research, trollers troll just to get attention and we should not favor them by responding to their jibes and insults.


You are a multitasker, you are a doctor, a single-mother, and a content creator as well. Do you get overwhelmed by life? How do you manage yourself?

Firstly, I have no shame in admitting that I seek mental health regularly. I have a therapist and for my own emotional regulation, I follow his advice strictly. I am very well aware of my issues and therefore, I take medicines for it.  Secondly, I would say, being busy is really a blessing for me, as I don’t get time to let negativity enter my head. I have patients to see, furthermore, I love to knit and cook, men gol rotiyan bhee bana leti hun (laughs). Thirdly, I have two kids and spending time with them is a therapy for me. Last but not the least, my chosen family, “my friends'' are the prime source of motivation and support to me.


How do you see “lack of empathy” in our society?

I think it is the biggest disease in our society. It is very saddening to see people not being able to feel others’ pain. To be more precise, it is a wake-up call for all of us, as we dwell in a space where we don’t allow ourselves to step in other person’s shoes to sense their grief and pain.I think empathy makes us “human”, and this is what we are ashraf-ul-makhlooqat” for.


What message would you like to give to the younger lot, who want to be a content creator?

In this field, you are going to get a lot of rejections. There will be a group of people who may not like your work and criticize you. Be consistent and work very hard. Be true to your content, do not run after “fame”. 

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