
Social Media, From Communicator to Ruler

Social Media, From Communicator to Ruler
Published On: 29-Apr-2023

Article by

Dua Iftikhar

Both of us, who are reading and writing this piece of paper, are pretty sure that no one rules us. Although, there are some external factors: which I cannot cover in this article: yet we will not bear it if someone calls us a slave. Do not believe. No worries, you can check it. But, to be honest, a few days ago, my unconsciousness mocked me. 

Listen, why are you making yourself a fool? Despite having a mind and soul, you are being made crazy. And then, dear reader, I sat down thoughtfully. I do not know if it was fortunate or not, but I was not unaware of that unbidden guest who was not only playing with my mental peace, but also my unlimited energy, potential, life and my beautiful family. Why? How could I let all that happen? And many questions like that, but the answer was only one i.e., just slap yourself. And what else could I do?

So, time to reveal the one and only who led me to a gradual lower self-esteem. Commonly, it is not because of the opposite gender (a fun fact), but our entertainment master, the highness of social media. 

Yes. Social media is not just a wild craving, but an excessive use is a silent death to your dreams, morale and ultimately, you. As per my empirical evidence, the science behind its downside is alarming. When we take a gap from our work or study, the first thing we do is to check our cell phones. Either we know that there would be nothing important, but we still do. Instead of relaxing our eyes or having some rest, we subconsciously hand over that precious time to such spoilage. And then, again start the work; which is obligatory though, but where lies the rest? As it happens, some are mature enough to handle this calamity, but most of us lose control while using it and do not want to turn off for the so-called entertainment, and for the people like me, a sense of entertainment when we open social media applications leads to the feeling of dilemma, that how to get rid of it?

I really want to share a few productive practices, which I have experienced and I believe that we all have potential to become our own heroes.

  1. Develop a Novaturient Mindset. Indulge yourself in learning new things such as hand-writing types; I would suggest cursive writing, languages, Arabic calligraphy etc., because they are healers. 

  2. Recuperate Your Soul. This is one of the best things you can do after you mistakenly lower your self-esteem due to non-stop use of social media. Do ablutions, connect to Allah Almighty and Identify your spiritual site; you will find yourself in a safe haven.

  3. Have a Thankful Heart. A glorious life on social media might sometimes distract you, followed by bad temper and quick mood swings which is not only unpleasant for you, but also your family. However, if you build a heart that is caring and thankful; a tongue that in the remembrance of its creator, remains moistfull then soon you will regain an eye which will not see such, causing you to be regretful.

  4. Take Care of Your Health. Practicing a healthy lifestyle, doing yoga and exercising will remind you about the bad impacts of social media over use and at least, will work on minimizing its extended use.

Therefore, as a self-accountable person, it is necessary to identify social media's main role i.e., communication and information, and work for not letting it to rule over you, lest you should regret it. 

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