
8 Powerful Google Tips You Should Know

8 Powerful Google Tips You Should Know
Published On: 30-Jul-2022

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If you use it right, google is the most powerful tool in the world. But the truth is most of the people suck at it. Here are the googling tips that you don’t know.


1. Quotation Markets :

                  Put quotes around search terms to let you search exactly for that word. All results will have your terms in it.

Example: if you search for ”James Clear”.

It gives you all James Clear search results without just “James” or just “Clear”.



2. -Dashes :

                  If you want to exclude a term from your search, include a hyphen before that word.

Example: dolphins-football

You just want dolphins, the animals, not the professional football team.



3. ~Tilde :

                  You can use tilde when you want synonyms to appear in the result.

Example: music~classes

Here you only get music classes, lessons,coaching, etc.



4. Site:

                  Use this to search within a specific website only.

Example: Kevin Ryan

This search for Kevin Ryan mentions on my website (chrishlad dot com).



5. | Vertical bar :

                  It has the same purpose as OR.

Example: Netflix | Hulu

Netflix OR Hulu



6. .. Two Periods :

Use 2 periods to search within 2 number ranges .

Example: movies 1980..2000




7. location :


                  Find news related to a particular location.

Example: Elon Musk Location: San Francisco



8. File Type :


            Filter by a certain file type related to your search.

Example: warren buffet filetype: pdf

This filters out all the click bait news Buffett news articles you don’t want to read.

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