Mind Sciences

Self-Reflection: In the Heart of Nature

Self-Reflection: In the Heart of Nature
Published On: 13-Apr-2021

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We are living in a technological age and while we can use it to our advantage by connecting and gaining knowledge from all over the world (except North Korea) but sometimes being too connected online makes us disconnected with our surroundings.

This may seem normal but in actual, our mental health is being affected largely. The content on social media isn’t controlled or positive so we come across all sorts of news. We think we have read or seen something negative and moved past it, but it stays in our subconscious and eventually gets to us by damaging our mental health.

So, it started getting to me. Not too long ago, all the negativity and tragedy that is on social media, it started making me feel low and hopeless. It not only affected me mentally but also my overall health was compromised and that’s when I thought I needed a break. I’m not saying I threw my phone away and deleted all socials and went into the wild (although that would be awesome), I just shifted my focus to growing plants in the comfort of my own home. Since we couldn’t go out in quarantine anyway, this was a great option.

From sowing seeds with your own hands and watching a plant grow and even provide fruit in some cases, it satisfies you deeply! We humans need to have tasks and goals in order to keep moving forward. Especially if you are struggling with bigger life goals, it’s such a great opportunity to start with something easily achievable. It also teaches us patience, I mean, you try keeping a plant alive which dies if you water it either a little too much or too little and you will get what I mean.

So, connect to the nature present around you. You don’t need to live in a forest or in the mountains to do this, although that’s sublime, but you can literally grow a little plant, start feeding a stray animal or bird and feel the positive difference.

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