
Ocean Wave’s Energy Potential

Ocean Wave’s Energy Potential
Published On: 09-Dec-2023

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Source: Interesting Engineering

We have discovered all possible renewable energy sources in the world. Haven’t we?? We are building massive wind turbines and vast solar panels to decrease the amount of carbon that's polluting our atmosphere day by day. But there is one power source we missed. Its potential is truly unmatched. It may be able to produce energy enough to power half of the United States needs in a single year. This power source is the small wave. Yes, it sounds bizarre but it has its similarities with how dams generate their powers. When a dam opens its gateways and lets the water out, its drops spin the turbines fast enough to generate Gigawatts of raw power. Just the motion of water can power up the whole city and you don't need to drop it down. The secret is that the kinetic energy is stored in waves, which you can extract to get the raw power for your house. To understand the scale of potential, here’s a simple fact about US coasts. If we managed to make powers from their waves, it is entirely possible. To generate as much as 2.64 trillion Kilowatt hours enough energy to power up about 64% of total US usage in 2021. Mind you, the most fruitful chunk of energy would be generated in cold waters because waves tend to increase this time of the year. Waves are by definition, the infinite source of energy, this startup has already harnessed! Meet the waveline magnet, a waveline energy converter that’s been in production for over 10 years to make the most out of wave energy opportunities.  This serpent looking innovation basically attaches itself to the ocean's surface and moves with it in one motion, minimizing the wearing and tearing. Its unique design features four important components that make the system work. The first one is the important one. Although it looks easy, it serves an important role to hold all the components together and help them function properly just like our spine does ! 

The second component which connects to the surface of the waveline. The third component is the levers that connect the platforms to the spine.

 Now for the final, most functional part of this system. 

It pumps up seawater and pressurizes it ! This pressurized seawater is how the waveline magnet harnesses and extracts the raw power of the wave. This process is repeated to make as much energy possible. 

The amount of wave power also depends on how large the waves are just like how wind turbines depend on high winds ! 

Of course, the larger the wave, the more energy it generates. This was proven by conducting a test,   operating the invention off the coast of Scotland where waves were 10 feet tall, generating over 140 gigawatts annually. It may be the Ultima tool to harness another source of renewable energy. But it's not as easy as you might think. Indeed wave energy has huge potential and an untapped market to try yourself out.  

It all comes down to the nature of seawater. To be more precise, it's corrosive nature. Seawater consists of moisture, oxygen and salt, a combination so powerful, it can damage metals far worse than rust. Seawater just eats out metal five times faster than freshwater. Its humid air causes metal to corrode 10 times faster than air with normal humidity and doesn't get us started on the bacteria that inhabit the ocean. They can easily eat out metal and polish it with rust as well.  

However, the idea has not been abandoned. But this will need a lot of effort to make this work, considering the amount of issues these startups face.

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