Book Reviews

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of remembering Everything

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of remembering Everything
Published On: 31-Aug-2022

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Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything is an extremely powerful narration about the journey of a young American journalist while writing a story on the U.S Memory Championship. It is a book that defines science dealing with mental processes in a different way other than usual representation of scientific explanations. It is a fascinating attempt by Joshua Foer, telling his readers about his own flight for memory learning to improve memorizing things specifically. After the completion of the story, the writer asks himself what measures needed to adopt in order to achieve a strong memory. Certainly, it is not like scientific explanations of the laws explained by Albert Einstein as the title of the book itself makes a sense to the reader after going through it. It makes us realize that humans are all a hotchpotch of their memories covering different levels of their lives.

“If you want to live a memorable life, you have to be a kind of a person who remembers to remember”. 

In the first place, the writer comes in contact with his subjectivity and the prejudice of mind to generate questions for him. Then his memory struggles to nurture it by solving the puzzles and getting answers to store in his memory. While introducing the astonishing features of human memory, Joshua Foer presented memory status when a connection is made during a sign-up genre of consciousness and outer factors of human life.  Secondly, the skills discussed here are resilient with science dealing with the social and personal life of a person. At the third place, the book tells the reader how the writer shifts his scientific logical thinking to psychological up-bringing of memory processes. People, especially young researchers may find a really thought-provoking charm in this book regardless of the title and the presentation of this book. 

It is an interesting book which provides exuberance to the reader with a medley of intellectual processes of memory. Subjectively, it offers the reader how to practice memory exercises by remembering some interesting and astonishing facts narrated in the book as a primary exercise.

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