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There are many contributing factors to fall in love with a particular person but time, proximity and mystery are crucial. Mysterious personalities are attractive, which elevate dopamine, pushing one over the threshold to fall in love.
Well, folks, love is overestimating the difference between one individual & the other. Socially on surface level, love is craving for the other person emotionally. However, science says it is the suppression and expression of certain chemicals in the bloodstream. The aspects often associated with love; attraction doesn’t mean it’s a divine call for soul-mate, in the scientific world it is dopamine, nicotine & cocaine, triggers chemical in the body .e.g. adrenaline serotonin (mood hormone). Attachment is experienced by oxytocin which amazingly promotes monogamy.
I discerned love as a blend of intimacy, passion, commitment, healthy boundaries, secure attachment & urge to give unconditionally. Love is an invisible, intangible, costless entity yet its capability to drive healings, behaviors, businesses, and relations, (indeed) is phenomenal.
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