
Light of Lie

Light of Lie
Published On: 13-Apr-2021

Living in the light of lie 

Where no feathers can still make you fly

Where bleeding heart is the element of strength 

And shelter means to have no tent

Where lovers hate each other but still are together 

Where being a loner, a psychopath is far more better

Where pretending normal is always must

Even when your mind, your heart is about to burst

Where care lies in only words

And a bond of two will always has it's third

Where speaking the truth will cause you a damage

Cause they prefer to stay wounded without a bandage

Once I wanted to live in the 'Truth'

All I was thinking of an imaginary fruit

Alas! I belong here, to live till die

Yes, I'm living in the light of lie

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Monthly "Azeem English Magazine", launched in 2000, records the information about diverse fields like mental health, literature, research, science, and art. The magazine's objective is to impart social, cultural, and literary values to society.

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 +92 51 88 93 092

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