Mental Health

Catharsis -- a Hijama to the Soul

Catharsis -- a Hijama to the Soul
Published On: 24-Feb-2024

Article by

Nabila Bakht

Catharsis -- a Greek term coined for the purification of emotions especially pity and fear, via art.

Why is it needed? Because the heart is so suppressed due to the brain. One's brain has taken so much of thyself that it dominates them. Catharsis is needed to unburden the heart, throw off the suppressions, to make the heart open. Once the heart becomes light and unburdened, the center of conscience is pushed so that it comes to the navel. The navel is the source of vitality.

-- Extract from Osho - An Active Meditation

I usually think about what happens when we are emotionally burdened; nothing makes us happy, and our inner peace is lost. No matter how much everyone tries to comfort you, it doesn't work. Then suddenly, you kneel before the Lord of seven heavens and tears begin to flow, reliving the burdened soul. The process is catharsis, the flow of feelings to bring the heart back to peace. 

Catharsis tends to reincarnate the soul if it turns out to be successful with the application of optimism and keen perspective learning. The psychoanalytic theory believes this emotional release is connected to consoling the dwindling unconscious conflicts.

When the heart is too burdened with fear, anger, frustration, and other such feelings, it seems as if it is going to burst, lest it has been channeled. Various mediums to let it out are music, painting, physical activity, and above all being Muslim is prostration.

Referring to it as a Hijama to the soul won't be wrong. As the Hijama purifies the body, likewise, catharsis cleanses the soul. It has both components, i.e. emotional and cognitive. While one senses and manifests the intense feelings, the latter opens new horizons to the person.

Therapeutic Uses of Catharsis

It was first used to treat hysteria by Josef Breuer, a colleague of Sigmund Freud. The treatment involves patients recalling the distressful experience in a hypnosis state and lets them express suppressed emotions. Once it is out, they are at peace. Freud was also convinced that catharsis is vital in relieving the symptoms of stress.

Nowadays, catharsis is a buzzword which people refer to in their day-to-day lives. The feeling could be a deep thought regarding a matter of grave concern or an occurrence from the past. When a person is going through darker times, and a beacon of light suddenly appears, healing the lousy patch, developing a sense of peace in life  is merely a cathartic moment. 

Other moments of experiencing this loss of inner peace are major stressful events like losing dear ones, an accident, relationship issue or a health crisis. Cumulatively, this term is commonly coined as the emotional moment that brings positive change in a person's life; however, it is different in psychoanalysis.

Catharsis is an emotion that can be induced during therapy, but it can happen at any point in any step. 

Some examples to induce catharsis are:

Music: Music rejuvenates the soul and hence can be motivational. It resolves the soul, making it restored and lively again.

Discussion: A sound discussion with a friend can highlight any past event, which can become a beacon of hope to resolve the present issue.

Art: Playing with colors and transferring emotions to the canvas in the form of various colors can surely bring relief to the soul and allow us to think about the situation from another perspective.

Exercise: One way to release negative or depressing emotions is physical exercise. This leaves you relieved, energetic, and active towards the new positive phase of life.

Journaling: Penning down thoughts always turns out to be the best mental health tool. Expressive writing involves writing about stressful events, which can also provide you with some profound insights to resolve the problem. 

Prayers: Prostration is the best way to remove negative emotions and lighten the burdened soul. Hence, regular prayers can regulate the attitude towards the problem.

In exploring challenging emotions, sound medical assistance is sometimes required if these issues have roots in abuse or trauma. Do not hesitate to consult a trained mental health professional to gain your inner peace.

Just like the Hijama cleanses the body, the proper catharsis can cleanse the soul. Beware of the energies around you. This helps strengthen the soul, which would, in turn strengthen the body

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