Mental Health

Breathe & Meditate

Breathe & Meditate
Published On: 02-Jul-2021

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Have we ever observed our breathing process silently before in life like we are taking care of it now in times of COVID? In living beings, the universal principle of energy or force of prana is considered responsible for the body’s life, heat, health, and maintenance.  One may question, if prana is abundant, then why do we lack it?  If we do not know how to get prana, to spend it wisely (i.e. we waste it), we will not know how to recharge ourselves.

Prana is the Sanskrit word for “life force” or vital principle. Prana is the force behind life itself. It is everywhere. In Yoga philosophy, the term refers collectively to all cosmic energies, permeating the Universe on all levels. It is the sum total of all energy that we manifest.  When prana departs from the physical body, there is no life. It is abundant and all-pervading. In living beings, the universal principle of energy or force of prana is considered responsible for the body’s life, heat, health, and maintenance.  One may come up with this question, if prana is abundant, then why do we lack it?  If we do not know how to get prana, to spend it wisely we will not know how to recharge ourselves.


Prana is distributed throughout the whole body, through the network of the Nadis (nerves). There are 72,000 Nadis in the human body. Of these, there are three Nadis of particular importance.

IDA, the “Moon System”, correlates with the left nostril and the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

PINGALA, the “Sun System”, correlates with the right nostril and the Sympathetic Nervous System.

SUSHUMNA, the “Central Nadi”, penetrates the spinal column and correlates with the Central Nervous System.

The practice of Asanas and Pranayamas, harmonise the Ida and Pingala Nadis and has a purifying, strengthening and balancing effect upon the energy flow in all 72,000 Nadis.

Prana itself is totally pure and neutral, just as the spring-water of a river is clear and clean. In its course, the river picks up many substances which change the quality of the water. Exactly the same occurs with Prana. Prana flows into the body clean and pure, but how it departs depends upon the individual - on their lifestyle, their inner qualities and feelings, the type of food consumed and the environment and company in which one lives. The quality of the Prana that radiates from people impacts on both the surrounding environment and the individuals themselves.

When the flow of Prana is restricted, the result is the same. The flow of Prana is affected by the worries we create for ourselves. The more we feel disheartened or depressed, the weaker the flow of Prana, leaving us more susceptible to illness, and the aging process occurs more rapidly. On the other hand, those who are balanced and content, they radiate vitality, and their strength reaches out to touch fellow human beings. Therefore, we should always endeavour to radiate positive Prana.

The Prana that we radiate (our “vibration” or “aura”), is clearly perceptible to others. The type of aura depends upon the purity of our thoughts and feelings, and also our internal Biorhythm and physical state of health. Mental unrest, inner tension and illness are clearly seen in the aura, and so is the harmonious balance of body, mind and soul.

When we are free of hatred, greed, anger, envy, jealousy, passion and dependency, and live in love, harmony and understanding with the environment and ourselves, all our problems start to resolve automatically.

It is highly recommended to perform the following breath exercise several times a day.


This breathing technique is easy & quick to perform. Keep your breath range normal at the beginning level then increase the level according to your potential.

·         Inhale deeply and exhale once
·     Again inhale and hold the breath for as long as comfortable (counting to 10-20 seconds).
·         Exhale and hold the breath again for a while.
·         Repeat this exercise 4-5 times while doing your work.

The benefit of this simple breath exercise is quickly noticed and our nerves are truly grateful. When daily practice and a positive way of life merge with each other in such a way that they become one, our practice has become effective and successful.

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