
Unnecessary Adjustments of Lies in our Life

Unnecessary Adjustments of Lies in our Life
Published On: 29-May-2021

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In our society, fabricated lies are on a rise. Be it an individual, or business affairs, politics, or parenting. Lying has become a norm now. It seems that the jinn of falsehood has popped out of the bottle and made everyone captive. These days, to tell a lie is considered smartness. However, it has become a religion and people blindly propagate it for the greed of their social settlements. But our faith asks us to avoid the smallest of lies.

People who do not tell anything but lie, just to grab the attention of the society like to pose as superior beings. They use lying as a tool to manipulate, mock, or degrade other people from their circle. Forged stories are spread out by these liars so bluntly. In the end, the victim has no option but to get along with the false accusations. Unintentional lies are told on phone calls and is now a signature personality trait of most people.

There are some notorious norms which prevail in business society and are considered as beneficial for business prosperity. Lies are a defining characteristic in business dealings. Traders and businessmen lie blatantly to sell their products at a higher rate. Media and politicians manipulate the circumstances and misuse them to build a narrative for their own agendas. Miseries are projected by the media all over the world and in our country too. Politicians and media are only concerned about their own interests.

Parents set fake promises with their children for temporary settlement of issues or just to motivate them for some cause. Children meet their parent’s expectations and ask them to keep up with their promises. This sets a precedent for children and indirectly normalizes lying in their fragile minds. Some of us lie impulsively. Lying has made us hollow from inside. We should try to control our urge to lie and hold ourselves accountable.

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