
Ten Energy Points (LATA'IF A'LM E AMR WA KHALQ)

Ten Energy Points (LATA'IF A'LM E AMR WA KHALQ)
Published On: 30-Jan-2023

1- Latifa-e-Qalb (Energy Point of Heart)

The Holy Quran says;

“Surely in this is a reminder for whoever has a ˹mindful˺ heart”. (Qaf:37)

The Place of Latifa-e-Qalb

The place of Latifa-e-Qalb is two fingers down (at about one inch) to the left side of the heart.

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Qalb

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e- Qalb is the revelation of Allah Almighty’s Tajali e Fa’el (the impactS of Allah Almighty’s traits and actions) on Latifa-e-Qalb of the Saalik (the true seeker).

When Does Latifa-e-Qalb Get Activated? 

The forgetfulness of everything except Allah Almighty during His remembrance means the energy point of heart is activated and starts perceiving blessings and intuition from the Heavens. 


It checks/diminishes ignorance and unlawful desires and intentions, gradually. 


Its light (Noor) is yellowish. 

2- Latifa-e-Rooh (Energy Point of Soul)

It is said in the Holy Quran;

“Say, “The Spirit is by command of my Lord.” (Bani Israel:85)


It is located at the distance of two fingers (at about one inch) below the right side of the chest.

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Rooh

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Rooh is the revelation of Allah Almighty’s Tajali e Sifaat (the impacts of Allah Almighty’s Features) on Latifa-e-root of the Saalik.

When Does Latifa-e-Rooh Get Activation?

There is an increase in the excitement of heart and soul during His remembrance means Latifa-e-Rooh is activated/functionalized.


Its effectiveness is to get peace of mind and soul and moderation in anger and violent passions. 


Its light (Noor) is reddish.

3- Latifa-e-Sirr (The Secret Energy Point)  

 Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran;

“For verily, He knows what is secret and what is yet more hidden.”  (Taha : 7)


It is located at the distance of two fingers (one inch equal) to the left side of the chest inclined towards the center of the chest.

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Sirr

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa -e-Sirr is the revelation of Allah Almighty’s Grandeur of the Tajalli-e-Sifaat (the impacts of Allah Almighty’s virtues) and His Qurb (company) on Latifa-e-Sirr of the Saalik(a true seeker)

When Does Latifa-e-Sirr Get Activation?

If the Saalik feels and visualizes promotion and acceleration in remembrance(Zikr) of Allah Almighty and its conditions, it means Latifa-e-Sirr is activated.  



Its effectiveness is to finish and dwindle the greed and to feel interest in religious affairs. It also makes the Saalik to think more about Akhirat (Doom’s Day).


Its light (Noor) is whitish.

4-Latifa-i-Khafi (The Implicit Energy Point)

Allah Almighty says;

“Call upon your Lord in humility and privately” (Al-A'raf : 55)


It is located at the distance of two fingers (equal to one inch) at the right side of the chest inclining towards the center.  

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Khafi

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa -e-Khafi is the revelation of Allah Almighty’s Sifaat-e- Salbia and Tanziha (Dethroning and Real Purification with Authority). 


 When Does Latifa-e-Khafi Get Activation?

The appearance of wonderful and miraculous deeds and actions means Latifa-e-Khafi of the Saalik is working actively.



It cures fatal spiritual diseases like jealousy, miserliness and backbiting.



Its light (Noor) is blackish.

5-The Secret Energy Point (Akhfa)

It is said in the Holy Quran;

“For verily, He knows what is secret and what is yet more hidden.” (Taha:7)


It is located right in the center of the human chest.

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa-e-Akhfa

The Fana (annihilation) of Latifa -e- Akhfa is the revelation of Allah Almighty’s Sifat-e-Martaba-e-Tanziha and Martaba-e-Ahdiyat-e-Mujardda(Ideal Omni-Potentness and Absolute Seclusion). 


When Does Latifa-e-Akhfa Get Activation?

When His Remembrance(Zikr) starts in all the energy points (Lata'if) of the Saalik, it means Latifa-e-Akhfa is functioning accurately and effectively.


It finishes the fatal diseases of the soul like pride and selfishness and it provides peace to the soul.


Its light (Noor) is greenish.



B- Five Physical Energy Points (Alam e Khalq)


While discussing the energy points of Metaphysical World (Alam e Amer) Hazrat Sahib (my spiritual guide) says, there are five energy points of physical world;

1- Self (Nafs)
2- Soil (Khaak)
3- Air (Baad)
4- Water (Aab)
5- Fire (Naar)

The apex of Latifa-e-Nafs (The energy point of desirous self) is in the middle of the forehead and it initiates from the lower abdomen. The places of the energy points of soil, air, water, fire and nafs are around the belly button where the process of purification gets started by the Zikr-e-Qalbia ( grand status of Allah’s Remembrance(Zikr) in all parts of body) and Sultan-ul-Azkaar gets Perception and consideration of Allah Almighty’s Name’s Remembrance(Zikr in whole universe and its objects). 


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