Mental Health

Micro Habits for a Happier Healthier Life

Micro Habits for a Happier Healthier Life
Published On: 31-Jul-2023

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“Making a choice that 1% better or 1% worse is insignificant at the moment” - Anonymous

 In this fast-paced life, where everyone is occupied in their own heads, if you ask someone what they want, the answer is always them wanting to be happier. The health aspect obviously comes along. 

 But how does one do that? Are happiness and health truly that hard to find?

Thankfully, happiness is a lot simpler than a lot of people think. Now, making massive changes hardly works, and aiming for a huge step to fix it all is never a good idea.

The best way is to follow a great system of digestible, small habits that fit your attitude and personality right. That is where the micro-habits come to play. By doing that you can focus on repeatable behaviors that deliver results.

 It is said that a small action every day is way better and more impactful than a massive change that cannot be sustained.

 So, where to begin?

 1. Start Your Day With Light Exposure

 A little Sun doesn't hurt anyone, right?

Instead of just using your phone as soon as you wake up, a better idea is to get Sun exposure as much as you can. This is greatly helpful with the circadian rhythm.

The bright light that comes in the morning indicates that it is time to wake up and gets the body ready for all other processes that are controlled by the circadian rhythm at work. 

It also aids in the improvement of the circadian rhythm at night which improves your sleep quality immensely.  So, as soon as you wake up, it is best to get some light as soon as possible. Start with opening your curtains, sitting by the window or just taking a small walk outside. Light exposure not only impacts the circadian rhythm but sleep and mood as well.

 If the Sun isn’t up yet, it is best to turn on a bright overhead light to help you out.

2. Hydrate Yourself After Waking Up


Hydrate yourself as soon as you wake up. Do not start your day dehydrated. The first thing that you should do after waking up is drink a large glass of water.

The best way is to aim for drinking at least 16 ounces of water a day. If you want some of the added benefits, it is always a great idea to add Himalayan salt or sea salt to get those electrolytes replenished. 

A glass of water in the morning also helps kick-start the metabolism and keeps the body hydrated throughout the day, as a lot of people don’t drink enough water already. 

3. Rest And Recharge

You must be familiar with the “sharpen your saw” story. If you are not, once a woodcutter was cutting a tree and was taking no breaks in between. A man, noticing, asked him, “Why don’t you just sharpen your saw?” To which the woodcutter said that “This will waste my time”. The man replied, “Taking a break to sharpen the saw will give you more energy to work and you will be capable of doing so later on.” 

Just like that, taking breaks and resting must also be opted as a micro habit.

Even taking small breaks to get some fresh air or taking a quick nap can make a huge difference and are some of the best practices for recharging yourself. 

 4. Practice Breathing Techniques

All of us are aware that breathing through our mouths can activate the flight or fight system in the body that keeps it in a state of stress. But breathing through your nose has some added benefits as a lot of breathing exercises already help with stress and anxiety.

Breathing is a very powerful tool that works great with the management of stress. So, making it a part of your everyday routine and taking out 10 minutes of your day to practice can make a huge difference in your mental and physical health.  

Try and incorporate nasal breathing into your routine. Obviously, it does take time. Exercise at a pace where you feel comfortable. You can for sure increase the intensity with time without having to open your mouth.

5. Say Bye-Bye to Social Media Before Sleep

 A lot of us these days scroll through social media when we struggle to sleep, however, it is best to read a few pages of a book instead. Indulge yourself in stuff that has nothing to do with work or with any responsibility.

Try and give a read to something that is relaxing to your mind and eases sleep. This is also a very helpful way to wind down and relax without having to rely too much on technology and screens before going to bed.  

One Step at a Time Goes a Long Way!

 To develop micro habits, there is no need to study and understand psychology or human behavior. Remember, micro habits only need consistency and perseverance from your side. And once you start to form these, there is no going back. So, here's to a more healthy, and happy life!

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