
Lens and Perspective – Lets’ Grow Spiritually

Lens and Perspective – Lets’ Grow Spiritually
Published On: 28-Apr-2022

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You don't need a new life, just a new lens through which to view the one you have.

Life is a journey with rugged and smooth gradients. Problems; either complex or simple, can revolve depending on the field of habits that we cultivate in our conscious and subconscious. The way we nurture good habits and the way we negate bad habits. It is often said to keep habit in perspective; it has the potential to make us or break us. It is inherently a double-edged sword. So, it's de rigueur to think about both sides of the coin with the most awakened and suitable Lens. Wait, Lens? 

Yes! Lens is not only telescopic, wide, ultra-wide or fish-eyed. Lens is the angle of our understanding towards certain hidden realities; especially hidden behind anger, fear, agony and envy. Everyone welcomes a sweet smiling cheerful face but we have no tolerance for anger, confusion, difference of opinion or even timidness. 

Well, perspectives differ from person to person. And so, our lens. Lens is the way we perceive many realities, happenings around us. We may think of a person being impatient on the road while driving. But we should also think of some tragedy or bad scenario happening with him/her. 

The story begins with the lens; the angle, with which we see, think, understand and respond to certain happenings or social realities around us. It’s called perspective! We may have built our own perspectives to see and decode things but in reality, they are not truly how we see and take them into account. 

This edge of our tolerance is really extreme but people around us, despite understanding our tiredness of staying strong, continue to blame, criticize and disapprove of our sacrifices. At this point, everything seems falling apart, scattering your inner self.

We sometimes forget that our action has an equal reaction; though it bounces back in the form of failure, grief, discontentment or a foe. And that depicts what we think subjecting to our angle of perceptions.

We have seen such people who are patient and hold on to their emotions impressively. But there comes a limit where they cannot maintain their threshold and everything which was once contained blows out all of a sudden. 

If someone gathers themselves at this edge of seclusion with the power of positive thinking and staying stronger than before. That person is undefeatable. Keeping your energy bright and safe from energy parasites, your own thoughts can make you a successful person without the help or assistance of anybody. Turning our journey towards media marketing, we come up with many tactics through which our consent has been sold. Shocked? Let’s dig into the details. 

The purpose of clothes is to cover our body humanely and set a decent standard of our personality. But the trend of Branded clothes has not only made our lives complex but also influenced us subconsciously with the fear of “Inferiority Complex”.

 We have been forced to turn our wants into needs!  Something which requires correction for a healthier mind. We collectively are in a dire need to change our lens towards these perceptions because we collectively make a society. If we help each other grow spiritually and attain a tendency for correctness rather than rigid thoughts. We can have a fortuitously peaceful life. Eventually aiding us towards a better lifestyle and happier, healthier relationships. 

Also, positive thinkers live longer, live healthier, have more energy, have more successful careers, make better decisions, are more productive, are less stressed, have healthier relationships, and are much happier than pessimists. 

Lastly, confidence and optimism are closely related to each other. Both are extremely contagious. You owe it not only to yourself to be positive, but also to everyone around you. It's not the end of the world and we are deemed to walk besides others with a steady, matchable speed. A little alteration in our mental behavior will lead the world to a better place to live and not just to survive.

You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.

(Kody Kiplinger)

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