
Is Life Only Confined to the Earth?

Is Life Only Confined to the Earth?
Published On: 26-Dec-2022

Article by

Affaf Mohammad Lar

It was the year 2006; David Eckhart was peacefully asleep in his room when something strange happened. A roof-mounted camera captured a bright yellow light in his room. Soon after, the camera captured a bizarre looking, short statured figure peeking inside his room. Was it an extraterrestrial visit or just a glitch in his CCTV? Are aliens real? For hundreds and thousands of years humankind has been searching for answers to this question.

Eckhart was not the only person to encounter strange events. Many people before and after Eckhart have supposedly experienced such occasions. Around 3.5 million people have a firm belief that aliens roamed the earth. It is widely believed that the pyramids of Giza have been built with celestial help since it was not possible in those times to build such heavy structures. It is also said that the greatest artist and scientist, Leonordo Davinci had his incredibly intelligent mind as a direct result of an alien encounter. The Easter Island statues are also considered to be a result of extraterrestrial help. A statue discovered in Japan suggests that it was made to please alien lords that once roamed the face of the Earth.

 Antikythera mechanism found in ship wreckage is thought to be the first ever computer that was used to predict astronomical events. Some writings found of that particular era i.e. ancient Greek times, demonstrate ‘statues coming to life’. All this refers to advancement in science and technology that can be an outcome of alien contact.


The Curiosity Rover sent on the surface of Mars captured too many objects that point towards the possibility of life on Mars. For instance, the Mars doorway. NASA states the rover has found that the environment and chemistry of Mars is just right to support any sort of life. Some samples of powdered rock collected by the rover suggest that they are found on the Earth as well. This sample has a type of carbon that is only associated with life. That means probably Mars had life.

When talking about alien life we can never forget about the amazing wow signal that researcher Jerry Ehman received. Ehman was working on the Big Ear Radio telescope when he received radio signals for 72 seconds. After cracking the alpha numeric sequence i.e. 6EQUJ5 he wrote ‘Wow’. Researchers have claimed that this signal was sent from a comet.

Next comes Area 51, a name that all space fanatics have heard and researched upon. For those who do not know, Area 51 is a territory in southern Nevada, USA that is considered contacting aliens and collecting spaceship wrecks and alien dead bodies. This potential alien testing facility has never spilled the beans upon what is actually happening. No employee has ever been allowed to disclose the secret or even talk to the press. Except Bob Lazar who was a previous employee of the air base. The claims he made shocked everyone. He talked about nine flying saucers that he had seen in the facility and reverse engineering alien spacecraft.

My dear readers, Quran has stated this 1400 years ago,

‘And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures (da'bbah) He has spread forth in both.’ – Surah Shura

It looks like Islam has already given the proof of extraterrestrial life.

“All praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds.”- Surah Fatiha

‘All worlds’ point towards other worlds.

Concluding, it is reasonable to believe that life is scattered throughout the universe in one form or another. Mankind has only discovered 5% of the universe based on which we can never say ‘Aliens are myth’. Indeed, life is not only confined to the Earth.

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