Culture & History

History of Lahore

History of Lahore
Published On: 28-Apr-2022

Article by

Wajid Bhatti

Ancient Hindu sources say the word Lahore connects to Loh the son of Ramchandra the hero of the famous Hindu epic Ramanyana. It would be interesting to note that a small temple attributed to Loh still exists near the western extremities of the present brick fort in the northern western side of the old city of Lahore. 

In Deshwa Bhaga it is mentioned as Lavapor, which points to its having been founded by Lav, the son of Ramchandra thus corroborating with myth. In the ancient history of Rajputs it appears as Lot kot literally meaning the fort of Loh in all probability ascribing it to the same legendary founder. 

The early Arab geographers also make mention of the city in different ways as at different times. Ahmed bin Yahya surnamed Al-Biladuri, the author of the famous ' Futuhal Baladan' believed to be one of the earliest Arab chronicles, calls it by the name of A'lahwer. It is frequently cited in the same way by other ancient Arab geographers. 

The great Arab traveler of the ninth century of the present era, Al- Idrisi, mentions it as Lohawar, thus coinciding with the early Hindu legendary accounts. The name has been taken to mean "fort" of loh '' as the terminus ' awar' is now taken to be a corruption of Sanskrit word Awarna, meaning fort. It thus also recognizes its identity with the ' Loh Kot' of the Hindu Puranas as the word kot goes in for the same meaning as awar. 

In his famous work of the tenth century. Al Kanun, Abu Rehan Al- Biruni also calls it Lahawar. Later French and British writers have, however, read it differently as Lauhaour, Lahaovar, Loharu etc. Hazrat Amir Khusrow calls it Lahanur while referring to it in his famous work, Kiranus- Sa' den, towards the later part of thirteen century. In the early fourteen century, Rashid-ud-din, in his book Jamiut Tawarikh, mentions this city as Lahur. 

Although the name Lahore has been written in many different ways throughout history yet one thing comes out very clearly that in all its variations it kept the essence of the legend referring to the mythical Loh, usually taken as its founder.

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