
Are We Morally Weak Or Dead?

Are We Morally Weak Or Dead?
Published On: 01-May-2021

Society is an amalgamation of different kinds of individuals, scores of behaviors, and certain moral codes. Amazingly these all factors of society are interlinked which breed on the fertilizer of humanity to form a social fabric that signifies the amenable characters of the people native to it. There was an era when sympathy, honesty, condolences, manners, and compassion happened to be the indicators of Pakistani society, but haplessly they have been abolished by the mutual efforts of ours.

Anything that militates the masses because of us, is a sign of loose morality. For instance; a general sense of illegitimate hegemony, the common culture of bribery, kickback & nepotism, clamorous voices in public places, breaching queues at concerned places, loud belching & sneezing openly while sitting in gatherings, flaunting at unauthorized arms, derogating the submissive, uploading obscene pictures on social media, and associating yourself with a well-renowned personality are those social obstacles that even don’t come into any accounts.

Citing the viral videos on social media anyone can assume, we are in such a hurry that we don’t grant time to the next vehicle in a line to make a turn, our lurched respect gets hurt if a traffic warden asks for documents, and we tend to influence him using our links. Another social endemic is the prevalence of a trend in which it is seen that a few people eat in their cars and then discard the leftovers openly on the roads ignoring the proclamations of religion or ethos. A few years ago, people were ready to help each other, but now people make videos and upload on social media and the tyranny remains persistent.

This trend of considering yourself above law is equally present in most of the politicians, civil servants, military officers, and the common civilians are also prey to it. A report tells 2,094 ghost employees working in utility stores corporation, and in another case, dozens of people were getting paid from the national exchequer without their tangible existence as a pilot, teacher, or contractor. Everybody must remember that negation of moral values has never been a sterile mistake. The only way to get back on track is everybody should practically evaluate themselves, try to accept mistakes, and spread a sense of tolerance.

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