Know Your Rights


Published On: 11-Nov-2024

Article by

Sobia Naeem

To be called a Feminist has become an abuse in modern society. People are unable to swallow this word considering it an indigestible and unhygienic chip to engulf. Society has transmuted the actual meaning of feminism. It is a school of thought not to consider women superior and men inferior but to give both of them equal rights. The stereotypical conceptions of gender dynamics are chained with adamantine locks by the power of time and rooted in the minds to such an extent that not only men but also women don’t covet to break the boundaries. Women think all these are imprinted in their fate and they just have to face them and bear them patiently. They can’t surpass the ambitions enclosed around them because it is a part of their ancestry.

Men in our society are trained to be a controller or a part of a superior race from early childhood and women are nourished by being inferior, shy, delicate, and unable to take decisions on their own. These thoughts are so deeply rooted that even a sixteen year old boy, who himself is under the control of a woman, takes himself as a disastrous Martian tycoon being ‘MAN’. He considers women an emotional, weak, and poor creature. Why? and how those who even don’t know themselves properly. who even don’t know how to pick a pencil properly have the ability to speak against women because they are nourished with such thoughts not by men but by women bitterly but truly.

The first obligation imposed on the woman ,who opts to cross the four walls around her, is also of a woman due to her mind that is coded involuntary by biased features of a man can but woman can’t sit properly, don’t go alone outside, don’t argue, accept everything blindly and patiently, she is our noble daughter how can she go against our decision about her life. All these famous words that almost every woman faces are also of a woman to a woman. So there is a dire need not only to mend men's thoughts but also of women.

A man takes to his ego to encounter a voiced woman, who can stand for herself, and start brutality or oppression on her to make his control over her. Every man should stand in the place of a woman once to realise the truth of the words of a woman. Why can only a man express his anger by breaking the glass and beating other people? Why does a woman have to stay silent and bear the oppression patiently? Does she not have nerves of anger? 

I am afraid of getting older. I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day, spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote. I want to be free. I want to be omniscient. (Sylvia Plath, Letters home). 

In every step and in every aspect a woman should stand equally to man. Women don’t want to be the part of the so-called slogan ‘ladies first’ but to be the part of equality. Women don’t want any sympathy or first rank opportunity but equality. Women are not in support of being treated like queens but still there should be equality. Is it wrong to say both have 206 bones, one brain, one heart, two kidney and two eyes then why women are emotional, delicate, shy, indecisive, and talkative?

A man can be robbed, abused and ill treated but can’t be harassed. He does not have to face a mark on his respect that a woman faces. Woman access to safe space is restricted and conserved; she cannot move freely and she requires support to make herself safe in this modern society. She even cannot make her way to success alone but within the shade of a man. But all that can be mended if every individual works on himself or herself to make a safe space for women.

To provide equal rights to men as to women is not a hard nut to crack but this is indigestible for the society as it is rooted deeply. It will take years after years to unlock these locks to make women breathe freely, move freely, and decide freely. One day the dirt from the brains about male chauvinism will fade and a woman will stand side by side with a man. Man has to bear that man and woman are equal and there are no dynamics, no monarchy and a woman has the power to create the time when man himself will favour feminism.

"How long will you continue to depend on others for your existence? Create your own inherent strength. You have yet to accomplish great many things so that your freedom may reach the pinnacle of its glory."

                                  Fatima jinnah

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