
A Cranky Toddler

A Cranky Toddler
Published On: 29-Apr-2023

Article by

Fatima Altaf

When does a toddler become a cranky toddler? New parents usually have the issue in understanding what the child is trying to communicate by being fussy. So, Toddlers or young children who haven’t developed their ability of communication by means of language or the ones who cannot talk yet will start being cranky or irritable when they need to communicate something. Never think when a child is acting fussy or irritable it’s without any reason there’s always a reason behind and your child is trying to communicate, it could be anything you just need to pay attention to the child.

It is perfectly normal for a toddler to get fussy, clingy or whiny sometimes. A child could be tired, hurt or frustrated for many reasons. A toddler wants to explore the world and seek adventure. They'll definitely spend most of their time testing limits to their own, yours, and their environment. When they exceed a perimeter and are pulled back, they often react with anger and frustration, a temper tantrum or sullen rage. Their anger and frustration tend to flare up. As a parent, you need to find out what's troubling your child. There could be a number of reasons behind this. A few reasons why children get fussy are mentioned below to make it easier for you to relate. It could be

·         Lack of sleep

·         Hunger

·         Potty issues

·         Frustration

·         Being too hot or too cold

·         Change in environment

·         Change in routine 

·         Hearing or speech problems

·         Autism or abnormal brain development (if fussiness does not go away and becomes more severe)

·         A baby who cries for longer than 3 hours a day might have colic.

·         Young children are sensitive to stress at home, and the mood of their parents or caregivers results in the child being irritable.

The reasons mentioned above are the very basics that every new parent must be aware of. You should know when to reach a professional and in case of an emergency you should know how to soothe your child down until the required treatment. Soothe your child as you would normally. Try rocking, cuddling, talking, poems, a favorite spot at home, white noise or some music your child enjoys doing things your child finds calming. If there isn’t an emergency then below are the ways mentioned how to soothe a cranky toddler.

·         Create routines

·         Engage them in activities

·         Talk to them when they are getting fussy

·         Never just do what your child wants you to do this would encourage the behavior

·         Keep them clean

·         Blow bubbles

·         Start counting backwards

·         Get enough sleep

·         Know when to step back and let them be

·         Remain calm don’t look angry

·         Reduce screens before bed especially and use the 30 to 60 minutes prior to lights out as reading time.

·         Praise your child when they handle frustration well

What more you can do to handle an irritable toddler is to pay attention to your words. Always check for what is about to come out of your mouth. Don’t lash out at your child and make statements such as “only babies cry” or “stop crying” . Such statements are never  going to help them calm down, and it may make the situation worse. Rather than just acknowledging the child’s frustration you could simply acknowledge them by saying, “I can see by your crying that you’re sad because [xyz].”

Never ever assume that your toddler is not understanding or observing you. They are getting all the signals by observing your tone, your facial expression, your body language and your level of tolerance. The more confident and secure your toddler feels, the will be more independent and well behaved. You as a parent can help them develop these positive feelings by encouraging them to behave more maturely. Consistently set reasonable limits that allow them to explore and exercise their curiosity, but draw the line at dangerous behavior. They'll soon begin to sense what's acceptable and what's not. Help your child learn as

“Housman says by helping your child — no matter the age — identify, understand, and manage their emotions, you are helping them to develop what are known as the four underlying components of emotional intelligence. These are emotional identification, expression, understanding, and regulation, and they are foundational to lifelong learning, mental, well-being, and success,”

Try to make a routine and make sure to follow it as mentioned above. Maintaining a schedule also applies to feeding time. If you notice your child being extra fussy, keep a record of what and how often they’re eating. How much a child is eating or what the child is eating can also cause emotional reactions.

Being a parent doesn’t mean you can always fix everything, you should try your best to know your child’s mood but don’t feel guilty if you can’t fix the tantrum. Accept that you can’t fix everything. No matter how well you know your child, there’s going to be a time when you have no idea why they’re crying, especially with younger kids. And when that happens there are a few tips mentioned above which I hope will help you.

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