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What if we Split the World into Two Halves?

What if we Split the World into Two Halves?
Published On: 05-Oct-2021

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Have you ever wondered what would happen if we split this world into two parts: one for animals and birds; and the other for mankind? Firstly, it would be the biggest and greatest step that mankind took. Secondly, it would provide speechless animals and birds their own home and they would be able to live happily without any fear. But still it has some advantages as well as disadvantages.

If we take a look at the advantages, the first effect on the environment would be the decrease of global warming and pollution. Deforestation would decrease too. We would have no fear of lizards and mice. Rain would also increase and drought would be unlikely to take place. It would be the best step taken up for animals and birds for years. Birds wouldn't have fear of colliding into an airplane. Animals would not have fear of hunters and would not have fear of being crushed into bits. People would also not have fear that a mosquito would bite them or ants would eat their dessert. 

There are also many disadvantages of splitting the world into two halves. First of all, thousands of people would get heartbroken as they have to free their pet animals and birds.  We would not be able to eat our favourite honey. Besides, we would not be able to drink milk and eggs which are beneficial and essential for our body. This big effect would cause many health problems.  Moreover, every type of meat would be banned as hunters would not be able to hunt animals and birds. This would cause a big loss for animal farms and they would have to shut it down. Our favourite cakes and cupcakes would also taste bitter as cream and eggs are the basic ingredients for cakes cupcakes and ice creams. All of our desserts would lose their brilliant taste without cream and eggs. Pizza and spaghetti would also lose their taste without chicken. This would also cause lack of strength, iron, calcium and vitamins in the human body. 

This split is good in every aspect of life except health. Health is a very important aspect of life which we cannot ignore at any rate otherwise our life would end.

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