
Vaccination: Paranoia and Uncertainty

Vaccination: Paranoia and Uncertainty
Published On: 29-May-2021

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Little knowledge is always dangerous. It could be about any specific situation, or it could be anything. Especially growing up in a society where we adopted the modern culture only for display purposes, but deep down inside, our mind is still not ready to progress; I truly hope and believe this would change!

Since 2020, Covid has turned the whole world upside down and as per my knowledge, only the severity has increased. Fine, I do understand when the virus was rather new, nothing seemed clear as there was no cure. But now things have changed, and still, our public is neither willing, nor ready, to get vaccinated. But “why” is the question. The reason, like always, is paranoia and uncertainty, paranoia: the news that spread, that some people who got vaccinated, died. And uncertainty of the aftermath. Everyone fears what will happen to them if they get vaccinated? I won't say that I'm not afraid, I'm afraid too. But this fear is just the fear of the unknown. If they ask us to get vaccinated it is for our own good and for our own sake, obviously I will gratefully go and get myself vaccinated.

See, firstly, nothing is certain. And as Muslims we truly believe that we all must die one day when our time is over. We should also keep this one thing in our mind that we will be answerable for the life Allah blessed us with. Because this life is fidelity (amanat). Secondly, trust me if it took this long for the vaccines to be available for the public, they would have given it their best shot! We should be happy and thankful that the vaccine is finally available in Pakistan and it is available for the public too. Like.. come on… the situation of India is in front of us. We should consider ourselves lucky and take advantage of the blessings bestowed upon us. I know we Pakistanis are a bit superstitious too, when it comes to trying new things, but this is more than our beliefs, this could be a matter of life and death. And many people across the country, of varying age groups have already received their first dose of vaccine, and so far, they are doing good.

There is no point of living in denial now. First, we had a problem with the government that they did not do anything, hundreds of people got infected, and we also lost innumerable lives throughout this battle. And some did not make it to the end. Think about it, if vaccination was available back then things would've been quite different, right? Our loved ones would've been with us on this Eid and the coming Eid.

To be very honest if I were to tell you about what happened to me when my Muma was going for vaccination, I immediately stopped her. I was worried about her, and above anything else I was scared. I was not sure of the vaccine. But I never wanted my mother to suffer, not at any cost. I am writing this in past tense because by the time you read this article, my mother would have already gone through the vaccination process, and In sha Allah she'll be doing good. Today is May 17th, 2021, she is supposed to go for vaccination tomorrow morning (May 18th, 2021). I also discussed writing this with her. I told her that at one side I am telling others to get vaccinated and at the other I am stopping you from it. We had a long discussion. She told me that, “suppose Beta if I don't get the vaccine shots, and still suffer, and just in case, the virus attacks me. What will you do then? Who would you blame? You or the Virus? That's stupid Bismah. One should do what they are supposed to do with sole belief in Allah and let it be. Whatever happens, it has already been written. You cannot change it. One way or another, one has to die. When nothing is certain in these uncertain times, when there’s chaos everywhere we should seek the best possible solution. And today, the best possible solution is to get vaccinated.” She added; “your father already took his first shot of vaccines and he will get his second shot as I get my first. So, you should not worry and only hope for the best.” 

Sharing my personal story of paranoia, fear, and uncertainty with you because I believe this is the only way that you would be able to understand that I am also one of you, and my Muma too. The story of an afraid daughter and a hopeful mother! Yet, we are also giving it a shot. Hope my story helps you in any way. Stay safe and stay blessed. And please get it done for yourself as well as for your loved ones. They need you and you need them just like the way I need my parents and they need me too.

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